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[ICQ/即时通讯] 仿微信群h5源码

前台地址:/Home/Qun/kfliaolist 后台地址:/Admin/Index/index.html 安装说明: 目前看了一下是双数据库,用户和站点数据库是分开的。 数据库连接地址:\Conf\db.php 和\Application\Common\Conf\config.php 我们给出大概的样式,具体大家自己去处理或者二开。 后台登录:admin 123456789
Front office address / home / Qun / kfliaolist Background address / admin / index/ index.html Installation instructions: Now I have a look at the double database. The user and site databases are separate. Database connection address: \ conf\ db.php And \ application \ common \ conf\ config.php We'll give you a general pattern, which you can handle or open by yourself. Background login: admin 123456789 (2020-06-26, PHP, 24297KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chats

The main achievement of the module features a chat room, following the completion of several major tasks: (1) provide a list of users, and will update the user list to reflect the users to join and leave, for the user, do not need to know each other s IP addresses (2) only need to set up and connection to the server, sending the first data to the server can (3) storage of all of the chat client information, from server to transmit content related to other chat clients, so even if a line customers can access through the server to the content of chat can also be added on the basis of the management to send the contents of the functions of a public notice, or other entertainment features such as song, video and so on. (2009-07-05, PHP, 35KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

sns community entertainment, uchome chat plug-ins. (2009-04-26, PHP, 3KB, 下载70次)
