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[数据库编程] 51CTO下载-Geo-IP-1.40.tar

获取geoIP数据库,就是通过来访者的IP, 定位他的经纬度,国家/地区,省市,甚至街道等位置信息。这里面的技术不算难题,关键在于有个精准 的数据库。有了准确的数据源就奇货可居赚点小钱,可是发扬合作精神,集体贡献众人享用是我们追求的。
Access to the geoIP database, through the visitor's IP, to locate his latitude and longitude, national / regional, provincial, and even streets and other location information. The technique is not a difficult one, but the key is to have an accurate database. The accurate data source on a valuable commodity to earn a little money, but the spirit of cooperation, collective contribution is our pursuit of everyone to enjoy. (2017-08-23, PHP, 109KB, 下载3次)
