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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(2) 
按平台查找All Cuda(2) 

[图形图像处理] HTD-Mamba

HTD Mamba:使用金字塔状态空间模型的高效高光谱目标检测,2024年
HTD-Mamba: Efficient Hyperspectral Target Detection with Pyramid State Space Model, 2024 (2024-07-19, Cuda, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Mandelbrot_CUDA

在mandelbrot集合中使用有限的缩放进行资源管理(我实现了围绕浮点的所有内容,我不知道双精度是否可以与gpu一起工作)。亲爱的ImGui帮助导航,GLFW和OpenGL处理窗口,stb_image_writer能够编写一些png。C、 CXX和CUDA==完美。
Explorer the mandelbrot set with limited amount of zoom (I implemented everything around floats, I don t know if doubles would work well with gpus). Dear ImGui to help the navigation, GLFW and OpenGL to handle the window, and stb_image_writer to be able to write some pngs. C, CXX and CUDA == Perfection. (2024-02-06, Cuda, 0KB, 下载0次)
