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[自然语言处理] cc-aks-compliance-workshop

在这个以AKS为重点的研讨会上,您将与Azure和Calico Cloud合作,学习如何设计和部署最佳实践以实现法规遵从性...
n this AKS-focused workshop, you will work with Azure and Calico Cloud to learn how to design and deploy best practices to achieve compliance with regulatory frameworks such as PCI, SOC2, HIPAA and others and secure your Kubernetes environment. (2023-11-14, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] aws-control-tower-controls-terraform

该存储库描述了如何使用AWS控制塔控件、HashiCorp Terraform和基础架构作为代码(IaC)来实现和...,
This repository describes how to use AWS Control Tower controls, HashiCorp Terraform, and infrastructure as code (IaC) to implement and administer preventive, detective, and proactive security controls. A control (also known as a guardrail) is a high-level rule that provides ongoing governance for your overall AWS Control Tower environment. (2023-07-18, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)
