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[推荐系统] refugee-wishlist

Throughout December, Christ Church Cathedral is partnering with Central Reform Congregation to adopt two refugee families through the International Institute. We will be helping them with utility assistance, cash, gift cards, new and gently used household goods, and school supplies, and toys. Donations will be collected at Central Reform (2017-05-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] acticable-Socialism-Essays-on-Social-Reform_64263

亨丽埃塔·奥克塔维亚·巴内特(Henrietta Octavia Barnett)和塞缪尔·阿古斯图斯·巴内特的《关于社会改革的实用社会主义论文》(Practicable Socialism Essays on Social Reform)是一本古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的书...,
Practicable Socialism Essays on Social Reform by Henrietta Octavia Barnett and Samuel Agustus Barnett is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. (2021-01-22, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] olitical-reforms-banishment-and-judicial-m__51243

米达特·帕夏的一生;阿里·海达尔·米塔特(Ali Haydar Mithat)对他的服务、政治改革、流放和司法谋杀的记录是一个项目...,
The life of Midhat Pasha; a record of his services, political reforms, banishment, and judicial murder by Ali Haydar Mithat is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. (2018-09-13, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] losopher-Reformer-of-the-First-Century-A.D

Apollonius of Tyana, the Philosopher-Reformer of the First Century A.D. by Mead, G. R. S. (George Robert Stow) is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. (2018-10-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] chievement-Volume-III-Orators-and-Reformers_18597

《成就的故事》(Stories of Achievement),第三卷,迪金森的演说家和改革家,Asa Don是古腾堡计划(Project Gutenberg)的一本书,现在讲述的是Github。,
Stories of Achievement, Volume III, Orators and Reformers by Dickinson, Asa Don is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github., (2018-10-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
