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[Web服务器] Travel-Website-Using-HTML-CSS-Javascript

Welcome to Travel Website, a web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project aims to create a cooperative platform that bridges people together. Below, you will find information about the project, its frontend pages, backend server, and how to access the live version deployed on Netlify. (2024-04-24, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] fang51

本程序为仿51.com早期版本开发,希望能对你学习PHP有所帮助。 数据库文件解压密码为:15807785606 本人失业中,希望能通过这源码找到一些做网站的业务做做,同时也希望能找到一份工作,或有意者一起合作创业继续完成后期开发。
This program is developed for previous versions of imitation 51.com, I hope you can learn PHP help. Extract the password for the file: 15,807,785,606 himself unemployed in the hope that through this source to find some sites do doing business, but also hope to find a job, or the intention to work together to develop the late start to finish. (2016-10-13, HTML, 9470KB, 下载1次)
