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[其他书籍] AsynchronousFIFOdesign

异步FIFO的设计,里边讲得很详细! 1.单时钟结构 2.双时钟结构——双钟结构1 3.双时钟结构——双钟结构2 4.双时钟结构——双钟结构3 5.脉冲模式FIFO
Asynchronous FIFO design, very detailed inside! 1. 2 single-clock structure. Dual-clock structure- the structure of dual-bell 1 3. Dual-clock structure- the structure of dual-bell 2 4. Dual-clock structure- the structure of dual-bell 3 5. FIFO burst mode (2009-05-19, Borland C++, 548KB, 下载10次)
