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[硬件设计] Analog-Design-Internship

这项为期6周的暑期实习由工程设计和实施俱乐部(Edic)与Aligarh Muslim University电子工程系合作组织,为学习和探索模拟电路设计领域提供了机会。在尊敬的专业人士的指导下,GS Javed博士先生。
This 6 Week summer internship, organized by the Engineering Design and Implementation Club (Edic) in collaboration with the Department of Electronics Engineering at Aligarh Muslim University, offers an opportunity to learn and explore the field of analog circuit design. Under the mentorship of esteemed professionals, Dr. GS Javed sir. (2024-07-30, AGS Script, 0KB, 下载0次)
