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[C#编程] c17-116-n-csharp

Desarrollo de Plataforma de Banca Digital-Nombre aün a definir(德萨罗洛·德普拉塔福马·德班卡数字)
Desarrollo de Plataforma de Banca Digital - Nombre aún a definir (2024-03-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] haniotower

Using VS2010, C# language development of the Hanoi game, suitable for beginners to use this project to learn C# language. (2017-04-13, Others, 134KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] ChineseSplitter

ChineseSplitter Chinese word segmentation system integrates a word (a cut), double word (Binary Segmentation), meaning cut points decile word. Weights provide a good method of calculating. (2012-02-09, Others, 2457KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] MJDExchangeYMD

Written using C# form a small application, only for entertainment purposes (2010-12-10, Others, 37KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] C_Sharp_Windows_Forms_Programming

本书是打开Windows Forms编程之门的金钥匙,它所采用的编程语言是当前最为流行、最具潜力的C#。本书内容详尽充实,共分为3个部分:初识Windows Forms、Windows Forms基础和高级Windows Forms。通过本书的学习,读者能够迅速掌握通过.NET Framework开发Windows Forms程序的所有相关技术。无论对开发桌面应用程序的Windows程序员,还是正在学习Windows Forms知识的开发人员,或者是毫无Windows开发经验的初学者,相信本书都是最佳的选择。
Open the Windows Forms programming book is the golden key to the door, it is currently used in most popular programming language, the most promising C#. Substantial and detailed book is divided into three parts: first met Windows Forms, Windows Forms basic and advanced Windows Forms. Learning through the book, readers can quickly grasp through. NET Framework Windows Forms program development for all relevant technologies. Both the development of desktop applications for Windows programmers, or are learning to develop staff knowledge of Windows Forms or Windows development experience of beginners no, I believe this book is the best option. (2010-04-15, Others, 6136KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] EasyChat_Server

c# code entertainment prepared version of QQ, qq management can be achieved with the landing! ! Let us look at Oh! ! ! (2009-06-16, Others, 4513KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] URLcollect

C# code with the finish, features a single, only to be able to achieve all hyperlinks Net crawl, I click on ads in the development of the flow instrument, I hope to cooperate with lofty ideals. QQ383063671 (2009-04-03, Others, 39KB, 下载18次)


[C#编程] calcRP

C#人品计算器源码, 值得期待, 值得学习, 值得娱乐, 值得潇洒
C# Character calculator source code, it is worth looking forward to, it is worth learning, it is entertainment, it is natural and unrestrained (2008-12-25, Others, 53KB, 下载10次)
