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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Video-Craft

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"A place for awesome edited videos! Get ready to enjoy videos with cool effects and smooth transitions. Whether you re making videos for fun or work, Video Craft has you covered. Join us to share, learn, and create amazing videos!" (2024-06-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] The-unifier-is-both-Video

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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] DesignofForestFirePrevention

本文提出一种基于普通 CCD 摄像头和瞭望塔上现有 的短波无线通信设备的森林防火监测系统, 根据实时图像与参考图像的差分及小波分解结果, 当有异常情况发生时, 提取出火焰及 烟雾区域, 判断提取区域是否具有烟雾和火焰的动态特征。若判定发生火灾, 即将压缩后的图像通过短波通信设备传回指挥中心。
This paper presents a general CCD-based camera and observation towers on the existing short-wave wireless communications equipment, forest fire monitoring system, according to real-time image and reference image and the wavelet decomposition of the differential results, when there is abnormal situation occurs, the extracted flame and smoke region, to determine whether the extraction region of smoke and flame dynamics. Determine if the fire happened soon after the compression of the image through the short-wave communications equipment returned command center. (2009-03-17, Others, 202KB, 下载60次)
