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[VxWorks] VxWorks_69030_815

Under VxWorks and dual high-resolution graphics _69030_815_ driver development (2008-07-16, Others, 78KB, 下载26次)


[VxWorks] VxWorks_CMTS

基于VxWorks操作系统的双下行信道CMTS的研制.pdf 随着网络多媒体业务的不断发展,现有CMTS的数据传输能力已不能满足用户的大数据量传输业务,为解决这一问题,设计开发了支持双下行信道的CMTS,对其研制过程中的主要技术问题进行了分析,给出了基于嵌入式操作系统VxWorks的双下行信道CMTS的实现方法。
Based on the VxWorks operating system, dual-channel CMTS downstream development. Pdf With the continuous development of multimedia services, the existing CMTS data transmission capacity can not meet the user (2008-06-09, Others, 167KB, 下载2次)


[VxWorks] vxWorks_netcommu

vxWorks下基于缓冲队列的全双工网络通讯.pdf 文章针对半自动大型仪器使用半~K..T--网络通讯造成的效率下降问题,建立了在嵌入式实时操作系统vxWorks 下全双工网络通讯的模式,并特别提出了双缓冲队列的流水线处理方法和通讯死时J"l的概念。该方法充分利用vxWorks 对多任务和网络的良好支持,做到了在操作人员层面上的软件零死时间,在改善系统响应特性,提高软件效率上都很有 帮助。因此比半双工通讯方式更加适用于半自动控制
VxWorks-based buffer queue under the full-duplex network communication. pdf article for the use of semi-semi-automatic large-scale equipment ~ K. . T network communication problems caused by reduced efficiency, established in the embedded real-time operating system VxWorks network under full-duplex mode of communication and, in particular, put forward a double buffer queue pipeline deal with methods and communication death J (2008-06-09, Others, 163KB, 下载50次)
