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按分类查找All 电子书籍(9) 
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[电子书籍] tamu-cookbook

tamu cookbook (2024-09-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] system-design-cookbook

System Design Nuggets (2023-11-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 庞特里亚金. 常微分方程

The basic knowledge of ordinary differential equations is the textbook of Mathematics Department of Moscow University, and has applications in computer vision, deep learning and other fields. (2020-07-28, Others, 10187KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] Solid Edge自学通基础篇

Solid Edge自学通基础篇,介绍类容包含建模,钣金,装配,制图模块
Solid edge self study basic part, introducing class content including modeling, sheet metal, assembly, drawing module (2020-06-13, Others, 11520KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 程序员的数学1212

本书面向程序员介绍了编程中常用的数学知识,借以培养初级程序员的数学思维。读者无需精通编程,也无需精通数学,只需具备四则运算和乘方等基础知识,就可以阅读本书。 书中讲 解了二进制计数法、逻辑、余数、排列组合、递归、指数爆炸、不可解问题等许多与编程密切相关的数学方法,分析了哥尼斯堡七桥问题、少年高斯求和方法、汉诺塔、斐波那契数列等经典问题和算法。引导读者深入理解编程中的数学方法和思路。 本书还对程序员和计算机的分工进行了有益的探讨。读完此书,你会对以程序为媒介的人机合作有更深刻的理解。
This book introduces the mathematical knowledge commonly used in programming for programmers, so as to cultivate the mathematical thinking of junior programmers. Readers do not need to be proficient in programming, nor in mathematics. They only need to have four basic knowledge of calculation and power to read this book. The book explains many mathematical methods closely related to programming, such as binary counting method, logic, remainder, permutation and combination, recursion, exponential explosion, unsolvable problems, etc., and analyzes classic problems and algorithms such as the seven bridge problem of gunnysburg, the young Gauss summation method, Hanoi Tower, Fibonacci sequence, etc. Guide the readers to deeply understand the mathematical methods and ideas in programming. The book also discusses the division of labor between programmers and computers. After reading this book, you will have a deeper understanding of human-computer cooperation based on program. (2020-04-21, Others, 13764KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] chengxuyuanxiulianzhidao

"programmers meditation technique" of a series of independent parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, make straight for the code to remain flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse the structure, using many of the rich entertainment anecdotal, thoughtful and interesting example of the analogy, a comprehensive explanation of the software development of many different aspects of best practice and a major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, software project managers, the book are suitable for your reading. (2006-05-22, Others, 1355KB, 下载81次)


[电子书籍] CWTP001470

"Power Electronics Technology" courseware from Southeast University Professor Chang Wang speaker, rich in content, say new, beautiful Courseware (2006-03-22, Others, 3801KB, 下载177次)


[电子书籍] 信号检测理论

of signal detection of commonly used technology from Harbin by the editor-in-chief of the phoenix (2006-02-25, Others, 4812KB, 下载158次)


[电子书籍] 程控交换技术

Huawei Technology, telecommunications and institutions to prepare for your learning will be very helpful. (2005-11-11, Others, 3324KB, 下载180次)
