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[穿戴设备] pour_metronome

介绍Pour Metronome,由调酒师为调酒师设计的WatchOS应用程序。这款直观的工具通过轻敲启动振动脉冲,每个信号为1盎司或10毫升,非常适合精确浇注。只需轻触即可启动和停止。它是您的幕后精准合作伙伴,让每一杯鸡尾酒都始终如一地完美。
Introducing Pour Metronome, the WatchOS app designed by a bartender for bartenders. This intuitive tool starts a vibrating pulse with a tap, each signaling 1oz or 10ml, perfect for precise pours. Simply tap to start and stop. It s your behind-the-bar precision partner, making every cocktail consistently perfect. (2024-03-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
