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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] DS18B20s

msp430+双ds18b20 成功测温度+响应时间 c程序
msp430+ double DS18B20 successfully measured the temperature+ response time c procedures (2008-01-11, MultiPlatform, 3KB, 下载42次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 嵌入式系编开发圣经_0

本书通过介绍嵌入式领域的相关知识,包括新 一代Soc、热门的Rtos及跨平台的移动Java,引导读者了解并彻底分析了解通讯、信息、娱乐于一身的嵌入式系统技术。
the book by introducing the field of embedded knowledge, including a new generation of Soc, the hottest Rtos and cross-platform mobile Java, to guide readers to understand and thorough analysis understanding of communications, information and entertainment in an embedded system technology. (2005-03-25, MultiPlatform, 12891KB, 下载57次)
