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[云数据库/云存储] Tasbih

Tasbih是一款虔诚的穆斯林应用程序,专为Zikr to Allah设计。轻敲或轻击,轻松计算你的背诵。体验柔和的振动以获得触觉反馈没有广告可以确保不间断的投入。为方便起见,将Zikr计数保存为离线。让塔斯比成为你的伴侣,通过真诚加深你与真主的联系
Tasbih is a devout Muslim app crafted specifically for Zikr to Allah. Count your recitations effortlessly with taps or swipes. Experience gentle vibrations for tactile feedback No ads ensure an uninterrupted devotion. Save your Zikr counts offline for convenience. Let Tasbih be your companion in deepening your connection with Allah through sincere (2024-05-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云数据库/云存储] Atendb

The tiny bitcask storage engine (2018-12-08, C++, 23KB, 下载0次)
