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[Java编程] TileStudy

Google Maps之前,各种网络地图在技术上采用传统WebGIS 的方式,使用Java Applet、SVG、动态生成地图图片,客户每产生一次新的地图请求,服务器再重新生成地图图片发送至客户端。自从Google Map推出Tile Map Image(瓦片式地图)方式提供的地图位置服务之后,国内的go2map、mapabc、mapbar等专业地图搜索公司纷纷仿效,相继推出了基于地图瓦片金字塔模型的位置搜索新模式服务。
Before Google Maps, the map in a variety of network technologies using traditional WebGIS ways to use Java Applet, SVG, dynamically generated map image, the client generates a new map for each request, the server re-generate map images are sent to the client. Since the launch of Google Map Location Map Service Tile Map Image (tile map) provide the domestic go2map, mapabc, mapbar other professional map search companies have to follow, have launched a search for location-based map tile pyramid model of the new model services. (2014-06-09, C++, 882KB, 下载7次)
