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[其他书籍] SQL

《程序员的SQL金典》主要介绍SQL的语法规则及在实际开发中的应用,并且对SQL在MySQL、MS SQL Server、Oracle和DB2中的差异进行了分析。《程序员的SQL金典》分为3部分:第1部分为基础篇,主要讲解数据库对增、删、改、查等SQL的支持,给出了这些SQL的应用案例;第2部分为进阶篇,讲解了函数、子查询、表连接、不同DBMS中的SQL语法差异、SQL调优、NULL值处理、事务、开窗函数等高级技术;第3部分为案例篇,对前两部分的知识进行了综合运用
" Golden SQL programmers," introduces the SQL syntax rules and in the actual development of applications, and SQL in MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2 the differences were analyzed. " Golden SQL programmer" is divided into 3 parts: Part 1-based articles, mainly on the database, delete, change, search and other support for SQL, SQL, application of those given case Part 2 to carry Order articles to explain the function, sub-queries, table joins, SQL syntax is different in different DBMS, SQL tuning, NULL value processing, transactions, and other high technology window function Part 3 for the case of articles, the first two parts of the integrated use of knowledge (2011-03-06, SQL, 1125KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] cxydSQLjd

" Programmer' s SQL Golden," have some reference to the significance of database programming (2009-11-13, SQL, 1376KB, 下载36次)
