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[教育系统应用] 2009-ford-fiesta

NEW FIESTA 2009 (2014-11-20, PDF, 1871KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Introduction-to-Marine-Science

Introduction to Marine Science Shizuo Feng Shi, Li Fengqi edited classic book entry oceanography, marine institutions compulsory courses students (2014-02-10, PDF, 904KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] dongyashijia

东亚模式的探索与实践-常德职业技术学院汽车检测与维修专业的建设实践:摘 要 常德职业技术学院汽车检测与维修技术专业与常德市东亚汽车服务有限公司长期深度作, 形成独特的校企合作 东亚模式” , 校企双方共同开发课程体系,承担教学任务,把学生在校的理论 学习、 技能训练与在企业实际的学习有机结合起来。
Exploration and Practice in East Asia- Changde Vocational Technical College Automobile Inspection and Maintenance of professional development practice: summary of Changde Vocational Technical College Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Technology and Changde City East Auto Service Co., Ltd. for long-term depth, forming a unique school-enterprise cooperation in East Asia model " , both schools and enterprises to develop curriculum, commitment to teaching tasks, the students in the school' s theory of learning, skills training and practical learning in the enterprise combine. (2010-07-13, PDF, 231KB, 下载1次)
