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[企业管理] i2_v2

是全球领先的软件供应商,面向警务、情报及调查组织提供先进的可视化及分析调查软件产品。i2公司成立于1990年,总部位于英国剑桥,在美国拥有销售公司和全球超过26个的渠道合作伙伴。 i2公司主要面向警务、情报及调查组织提供可视化的情报分析系列软件,i2产品在全球100多个国家拥有超过2000多个用户,业已成为警务及情报分析等相关组织的行业分析软件标准。其主要客户包括英国所有的警察组织、欧盟成员的公检法机构、国际刑警组织(Interpol)、欧洲刑警组织(Europol)、联邦调查局(FBI)、中央情报局(CIA)、美国联邦政府等等。
Is a leading global provider of software-oriented policing, intelligence and investigative organizations to provide advanced visualization and analysis of survey software products. i2 Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Cambridge, UK, with sales companies and more than 26 worldwide channel partners in the United States. i2 company mainly for police, intelligence and investigative organizations to provide visual intelligence analysis software series, i2 product has more than 2,000 users in more than 100 countries around the world, has become the industry standard police and intelligence analysis software analysis and other related organizations. Its main customers include all UK police organizations, public security institutions of the European Union members, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), Europol (Europol), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. federal government, and so on. (2014-01-14, PDF, 1361KB, 下载2次)
