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[软件设计/软件工程] 111cfar

恒虚警及一些源代码 相关书籍,各种 双门限检测
CFAR and some source code related books, a variety of dual-threshold detection (2013-10-12, PDF, 13513KB, 下载57次)


[软件设计/软件工程] imaging-technology

Dim light and infrared imaging technology. Editor: Zhang Jingxian, Liyu Dan, JIN Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology Press. (2013-03-28, PDF, 14352KB, 下载19次)


[软件设计/软件工程] imaging-

Photoelectric imaging principle and technology. Editor: Bai Tingzhu Jin Wei its. Beijing institute of technology press. (2013-03-28, PDF, 5357KB, 下载17次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Three-phase-grid-independent

Three-phase grid-independent dual-mode inverter control study (2013-03-13, PDF, 477KB, 下载23次)


[软件设计/软件工程] NonlinearDynamicsofDuffing

采用4阶龙格库塔法和10阶连分式欧拉法,数值计算、分析了分数阶阻尼Duffing系统的 动力学特性.利用相图、Poincare截面映射图和分岔图等非线性动力学分析方法研究了阻尼的分数 阶微积分阶数对Duffing系统动力学性能的影响,采用分岔图法研究了外部激励的幅值和频率变 化时分数阶阻尼Duffing系统的动力学行为.分析表明,分数阶阻尼的阶数在0.1~2.0发生变化 时,系统依次进入周期运动、混沌运动、周期运动、混沌运动和周期运动,并且在混沌运动区间中存 在着周期运动窗口,由周期运动进入混沌运动的倍周期过程比较明显,结果证实了阻尼的分数阶微 分阶数对系统的动力学特性影响比较大,因此在系统动力学设计和分析中应该重视.
Abstract:Nonlinear dynamics of Duffing system with fractional order damping is investigated。 The equations of fractional order damped Duffing system are established.The four-order Runge- Kutta method and ten-order CFE-Euler methods are performed tO solve the fractional order Duffing equations.The effects of fractional order on the system dynamics are proposed with phase di— agrams,bifurcation diagrams and Poincare map.The bifurcation diagram is utilized tO analyze the effect of excitation amplitude and frequency on Duffing system with fractional order damping. The analysis shows that the fractional order damped Duffing system exhibits period motion。cha— OS,period motion,chaos,period motion one by one when the fractional order change from 0.1 to 2.0.A period doubling route to chaos is appeared clearly.The numerical results verify the signif— icant effect of fractional order on system dynamics.It iS necessary to consider the fractional order of damping in the design and analysi (2012-02-23, PDF, 388KB, 下载148次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Refactoring

重构:改善既有代码的设计(中文版)(09年度畅销榜TOP50) 软件工程领域的超级经典巨著,与另一巨著《设计模式》并称"软工双雄",全美销量超过100000册,亚马逊书店五星书。    在本书中,作者Martin Fowler充分展示了何处可能需要重构,以及如何将不好的设计改造为良好的设计。
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Chinese version) (09 year bestsellers TOP50) super classic software engineering masterpiece with another masterpiece, the " design mode" and that " soft engineering Hutch" , U.S. sales of more than 100,000 Amazon Bookstore five-star book. In this book, author Martin Fowler where possible to demonstrate the need for reconstruction, and how to transform a bad design for good design. (2011-10-15, PDF, 12280KB, 下载55次)



a series connection of a linear resistor, a linear inductor, and a two-segment, piecewise-linear capacitor driven by a sinusoidal voltage source. (2011-09-06, PDF, 383KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] TDD-

TDD 金字塔上神像的光芒 软件架构设计
TDD pyramid of light on the statue of the software architecture design (2011-08-22, PDF, 263KB, 下载8次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ChangLHS

Kriging model to take to improve the Latin Hypercube point method, in practice there is a strong significance. (2011-01-06, PDF, 1088KB, 下载83次)


[软件设计/软件工程] LPPR

Multirate filter bank based PR conditions, this paper put forward LPPRFB integrated filter in the type and length of the general method of choice in-depth study of two-channel LPPRFB and two-channel lattice filter bank, the relationship, proposed high-speed realization of a class of binary coefficients with Lattice Design of Symmetric Biorthogonal Wavelet and completed the design example (2011-01-03, PDF, 4324KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] A-Universal-Programmable-Dual-Divider

一种通用的可编程双模分频器A Universal Programmable Dual Divider
A Universal Programmable Dual Divider (2010-12-01, PDF, 556KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] programming

自己整理的 C语言嵌入式系统编程修炼系列-罗严塔尔 -主函数main中变量的含义 -性能优化 -软件架构 -屏幕操作 -内存操作 -键盘操作 -复杂指针解析
Organize their own C-language programming embedded systems practitioners Series- Luoyantaer- the main main function of the meaning of the variables- performance optimization- software architecture- Screen Operation- memory operations- keyboard- a complex Pointer Analysis (2010-02-02, PDF, 663KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] china-telcom-cdma-req(2009v1)

中国电信移动终端需求规范: 1xEVDO RevB技术要求分册2009.V1.pdf BREW分册2009.V1.pdf C+W手机分册2009.V1.pdf CDMA_GSM双模终端分册2009.V1.pdf DM分册2009.V1.pdf DRM分册2009.V1.pdf Email分册2009.V1.pdf JAVA分册2009.V1.pdf LBS分册2009.V1.pdf MMS分册2009.V1.pdf PIM分册2009.V1.pdf PSVT分册2009.V1.pdf Rev A数据终端AT命令接口分册2009.V1.pdf Rev A数据终端技术要求分册2009.V1.pdf SMS分册2009.v1.pdf UI分册2009.V1.pdf 基本技术要求分册2009.V1.pdf 浏览器分册2009.V1.pdf 流媒体分册2009.V1.pdf 全功能浏览器分册2009.V1.pdf 条码分册2009.V1.pdf 音乐播放器分册2009.V1.pdf
china telcom cdma req (2009-12-22, PDF, 8776KB, 下载249次)


[软件设计/软件工程] CDMA

Wavecom CDMA模块 Q2438使用Protel格式原理图,包含指示灯,LPC2103,双串口,12V供电。
Wavecom CDMA module Q2438 use Protel schematic format, including light, LPC2103, dual-serial port, 12V power supply. (2009-03-12, PDF, 17KB, 下载96次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Software-Teamwork

This book stresses a software engineering project management, including team management and cooperation. (2009-01-04, PDF, 8874KB, 下载14次)


[软件设计/软件工程] DEMDynamicVisualization

由于传统的基于文件管理的虚拟地形景观漫游系统在数据安全性、多用户操作、网络共享及数据动态更新等方面已不能满足数字城市或数字地球对海量空间数据一体化管理和在线实时应用的要求。介绍了基于Oracle 海量数据库的DEM动态可视化方法,包括金字塔结构的数据组织机制、采用数据分页的动态调度技术、与视点相关的地形简化和基于多线程的渐进描绘技术等。根据全国1∶25 万比例尺DEM数据库的应用实验证明该方法是可行的,并可以推广到影像以及其他模型数据的集成应用。
Because of the traditional paper-based management of virtual terrain landscape roaming system in data security, multi-user, network and data-sharing, such as dynamic update has been unable to meet the number of cities or digital terrestrial integration of massive spatial data management and online real-time applications requirements. Based on Oracle database DEM Massive dynamic visualization methods, including the pyramid structure of the data organization mechanism, the use of the data page of the dynamic scheduling techniques, with the view-dependent terrain simplification and Multithread-based progressive portray technology. According to the National 1:25 million scale DEM database application experiment shows that this method is feasible and can be extended to imaging, as well as other model data integration applications. (2007-12-20, PDF, 308KB, 下载54次)
