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[波变换] ECG-Detection-use-wavelet

本文把小波变换应用于心电信号的识别。探讨了伸缩尺度和伪频率(译自pseudo—frequency)-~.间的关系;利用二进双正 交样条小波对室扑信号按Mallat算法进行小波分解;提出了心室扑动和心室颤动信号的小波变换识别方法
Wavelet transform in used to identify the ECG si a1.The relation between scale and pseudo—frequency is discussed.The ventrlcular flutter ECG si is decomposed with a由adic biorthogonal spline wavelet by Mallat algorithm.A method based Oil wavelet tral~ornl is pIo删to identify ventricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation sis,~1. (2013-01-23, PDF, 120KB, 下载20次)


[波变换] Texture-Segmen-ta-t-ion-withWavelet

为了提高纹理图象分割的边缘准确性和区域一致性以及降低分割错误率, 提出了一种基于小波变换的利 用特征加权来进行纹理分割的方法. 该方法包括特征提取、预分割和后分割 3 个阶段, 其中, 特征提取在金字塔结 构小波变换的基础上进行 预分割利用均值聚类算法来对原始图象进行初步的分割 后分割则根据预分割的结果 对特征进行加权, 然后利用最小距离分类器来实现图象的最后分割. 与传统的方法相比, 该方法在分割错误率、边 缘准确性以及区域一致性等方面均有明显的改善
To imp rove the accuracy of boundary locat ions and region homogeneity as w ell as to reduce the er ro r rate in texture image segmentat ion, a novel app roach based on w avelet2t ransfo rm and using feature w eigh t ing is p ropo sed in th is paper . Th is new technique contains th ree consecut ive stages: feature ext ract ion, p re2segmentat ion and po st2segmentat ion . In the feature ext ract ion stage, texture features are ext racted by using the pyram id2st ruc2 tured w avelet t ransfo rm. The o r iginal image is then segmented init ially using themeans cluster ing algo r ithm in the p re2segmentat ion stage . A cco rding to the p re2segmentat ion results, the ext racted features are w eigh ted and the p re2segmented image is fur ther p rocessed w ith a m inimum distance classif ier in the po st2segmentat ion stage to f i2 nally get the segmented image . A ll technical po ints are clear ly descr ibed and p resented in detail . Some segmenta2 (2012-07-20, PDF, 151KB, 下载13次)



针对低可见光图像和红外图像的特点,提出一种基于DT-CWT的自适应图像融合算法.该算法具有好的平移不变性和方向选择性,更适合于人类视觉.先对源图像作双树复小波变换,充分考虑各尺度分解层的系数特征,对 低通子带引入免疫克隆选择,根据统计评价准则定义亲和度函数,自适应获得最优融合权值 对高通子带则根据人类视觉特性定义局部方向对比度,并作为融合准则,突出和增强了各源图像的对比度与细节信息.实验结果表明: 与基于小波的融合结果相比较,本文的融合算法自适应性和鲁棒性更强,较好地保护和显示了源图像中的边缘和细节信息,对比度和清晰度都有所提高.
Aiming at the characteristics of low visible light images and infrared images, a novel adaptive image fusion scheme based on DT-CWTwas presented. The technique has good shift-invariance and directional selectivity, and ismore suitable for human vision. The DT-CWTwas firstly used to perform amultiresolution decomposition of source images. By taking advantage of the characters of the coefficients, the immune clonal selection algorithm was introduced in low-pass sub- bands and almost optimal fused weightswere obtained adaptively. To high-pass subbands, the local directive contrastwas defined, whichwas based on human visual system. And then the contrastof fused imageswas enhanced and the detail in- formation of source imageswas protected. The experimental results show thatour fused technique is effective and the fusedimages have a better visual quality than theirwavelet counterparts. (2011-04-02, PDF, 306KB, 下载102次)


[波变换] study-on-multiresolution

Contourlets by sampling Laplacian pyramid (Na laeianPyramid, twenty) filter and sampling the composition of the directional wavelet transform filter. Master' s thesis, Lanzhou University, on the multi-resolution analysis (2011-03-17, PDF, 3653KB, 下载11次)
