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[网络编程] The.Art.Of.Intrusion_Kevin.Mitnick

『下载说明』这里提供给大家的是早已金盆洗手的著名黑客KEVIN D. MITNICK将其一生积累下来的丰富技能汇集成书的《The Art of Intrusion》(入侵的艺术)英文版的PDF格式电子书下载。
Description 』『 download available to everyone here is already well-known to wash his hands of hackers Jinpen KEVIN D. MITNICK its accumulated wealth of life skills together into a book The Art of Intrusion (The Art of Intrusion) English version of the PDF format e-books下载. (2007-12-31, PDF, 1196KB, 下载39次)
