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[图形图象] 5

中国土地利用_土地覆盖变化研究综述_郑海金 主要介绍了土地利用/土地覆盖变化在不同尺度上的研究方法,并分别选取了一定的研究区域作为应用案例,从而使读者能对模型本身的原理、方法及其应用等有一个较全面的了解。
Summary of Changes covering Chinese land use _ land _ Zheng Hai Jin introduced the land use/land cover change research methods on different scales, and were selected certain research area as the application case, so that the reader can the principles of the model itself, its application to have a more comprehensive understanding. (2017-03-02, PDF, 193KB, 下载2次)


[图形图象] sift

sift算法,高斯金字塔,DOG算子 讲义教程
SIFT algorithm, Gauss Pyramid, DOG operator lecture tutorial (2015-06-15, PDF, 1857KB, 下载5次)


[图形图象] ext-sampling-Contourlet

3非下采样Contourlet变换域多聚焦图像融合方法 焦竹青 邵金涛 徐保国 浙江大学学报(工学版) 2010-07-15 期刊
3 the next sampling Contourlet transform domain more focus on image fusion methods JiaoZhuQing Shao Jintao Xu Baoguo journal of zhejiang university (engineering science), 2010-07-15 journals (2013-12-25, PDF, 1587KB, 下载12次)


[图形图象] 5Contourlet-image-fusion-

5非下采样Contourlet变换域多聚焦图像融合方法 焦竹青 邵金涛 徐保国 浙江大学学报(工学版) 2010-07-15 期刊
5 the next sampling Contourlet transform domain more focus on image fusion methods JiaoZhuQing Shao Jintao Xu Baoguo journal of zhejiang university (engineering science), 2010-07-15 journals (2013-12-18, PDF, 869KB, 下载4次)


[图形图象] 3pyramid--remote-fusion-

3联合非降采样金字塔与经验模态分解的遥感图像融合算法 优先出版 王文波 李合龙 张晓东 哈尔滨工程大学学报 2012-10-31 期刊
3 joint down sampling pyramid and empirical mode decomposition of remote sensing image fusion algorithm published Wang Wenbo priority Lee closure Zhang journal of Harbin engineering university 2012-10-31 journals (2013-12-18, PDF, 532KB, 下载4次)


[图形图象] 2-d-dual-tree-wavelet-fusion

维双树复小波不确定度加权融合的人脸识别 王仕民 叶继华 邓涛 王明文 中国图象图形学报 2012-08-16 期刊
2 d dual tree complex wavelet uncertainty weighted fusion Wang Shimin face recognition Ye Jihua Deng Tao Wang Mingwen Chinese journal of image and graphics in 2012-08-16 journals (2013-12-10, PDF, 294KB, 下载4次)


[图形图象] tuxingjulei

摘 要 :代谢网络的研究是当今生物学研究中的新热点,使用图形聚类算法对代谢网络进行分析研究是一个有力的手段 .文中提出了用图形聚类方法挖掘复杂代谢网络中蕴含的功能信息并进行模块相似性分析的方法,从系统生物学角度揭示光合作用的进化.介绍了马尔可夫聚类算法和模拟退火聚类算法两种图形聚类方法
摘 要 :代谢网络的研究是当今生物学研究中的新热点,使用图形聚类算法对代谢网络进行分析研究是一个有力的手段 .文中提出了用图形聚类方法挖掘复杂代谢网络中蕴含的功能信息并进行模块相似性分析的方法,从系统生物学角度揭示光合作用的进化.介绍了马尔可夫聚类算法和模拟退火聚类算法两种图形聚类方法 (2010-06-05, PDF, 311KB, 下载9次)


[图形图象] AReal-timeElectronicImageStabilizingAlgorithm

为了实时地稳定摄像系统的输出视频,提出了一种基于特征匹配的实时电子稳像算法。将改进 的Kanade2Lucas2Tomasi (KLT) 算法用于特征提取,并提出一种新的基于灰度投影均值的特征匹配算法。为了保 证稳像结果的鲁棒性,还给出了特征的有效性检验方法。
Real-time camera system in order to stabilize the output of video, presents a feature-based matching algorithm for real-time electronic image stabilization. Will improve the Kanade2Lucas2Tomasi (KLT) algorithm for feature extraction, and propose a new feature based on the mean gray projection matching algorithm. In order to ensure the robustness of the results of image stabilization, but also gives the characteristics of the validity of testing methods. (2010-01-26, PDF, 415KB, 下载100次)


[图形图象] Real-TimeRobustAlgorithmofDigitalImageStabilizatio

电子稳像的实时鲁棒性算法,首先对采集到的每帧图像建立高斯金字塔。然后在高斯金字塔的顶层进行 初估计,采用图像块法得到整像素的运动估计矢量。精估计采用光流梯度法。为提高鲁棒性,运用简化的M 收敛法 进行梯度约束。最后阶段采用双线性内插对当前帧与参考帧进行匹准
Electronic image stabilization, real-time robust algorithm, first collected in the establishment of Gaussian pyramid for each frame. And then carry out the early top-level Gaussian pyramid is estimated to be using the whole-pixel image block method of motion estimation vector. Precision is estimated using optical flow gradient method. To improve robustness, the use of M-convergence method to simplify constraint gradient. The final stage of using a bilinear interpolation on the current frame and reference frame bolts of quasi- (2010-01-26, PDF, 918KB, 下载50次)
