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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Crazepony开源四轴飞行器

The purpose of the crazepony project is to provide secondary development of mini four axis aircraft prototype for college students / model enthusiasts / makers. (2021-01-12, PDF, 16387KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] K60P144M150SF3RM

Kinetis低功耗可以扩展,用于工业混合信号.M4系列单片机的最佳组合。 第一部分介绍了200多针,五大系列单片机的外围设备和软件兼容性。 每个系列提供了出色的性能,与普通外围内存,内存映射,并提供了一系列的内部和之间轻松迁移包和功能可扩展性。 Kinetis单片机使用飞思卡尔的新90海里(TFS)电影独特FlexMemory内存flash技术。 Kinetis系列单片机结合最新技术和高性能、低功耗创新高精度混合信号功能和连接、人机界面、安全性和外围设备是广泛的。 Kinetis单片机使用飞思卡尔和手臂市场领先的第三方合作伙伴结合模式。
Kinetis is low power consumption can be extended and used in industry of mixed signal ARM ? architecture ?- the best combination of M4 series MCU. The first part introduces more than 200 pins, peripherals and software compatibility of five series of MCU. Each series provides excellent performance, with normal peripheral memory, the memory mapping, and provides a series of internal and easily migrate between package and functional expansibility. Kinetis MCUs USES freescale s new 90 nm (TFS) film with a unique FlexMemory memory flash technology. Kinetis series MCU in combination with the latest technology and high performance, low power consumption innovation high precision mixed signal function and connected, man-machine interface, security and peripherals are widely. Kinetis MCUs USES freescale and ARM market leading third-party partners to bind mode. (2016-03-30, PDF, 10059KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] BF537

Bf537 processor based on a dual redundant Ethernet design, the latest papers of 10 years, information on rare (2010-10-09, PDF, 433KB, 下载5次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Dual_axis_tilt_sensor_hardware_development_coupled

Dual-axis tilt sensor hardware development coupled interference compensation Tutorial硬件开发双轴倾角传感器耦合干扰的补偿教程
Dual-axis tilt sensor hardware development coupled interference compensation Tutorial hardware development dual-axis tilt sensor coupled interference compensation Tutorial (2010-07-30, PDF, 295KB, 下载6次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] LPC2300-1

LPC2300 -- 基于ARM7的内嵌双高速总线 微控制器
LPC2300- ARM7-based microcontroller, embedded dual high-speed bus (2010-05-12, PDF, 690KB, 下载5次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] dianqi

电气监控组态软件的研究与开发 本文结合基于现场总线的组态软 “YSS2000’’项目的开发,对基于现场总 线的电气监控组态软件进行了研究。本文首先对当今组态软件的发展情况进行了 综述,说明了组态软件在监控领域中的重要意义及其价值,然后介绍了组态软件 的设计思路和相关的技术,以及今后的发展趋势。并对组态软件的体系结构及其 设计提出自己的观点。文中重点介绍了“YSS2000”系统的结构和设计,同时详 细介绍了多线程技术、动态链接库技术、实时数据库技术和双机热备技术在 “YSS2000”系统中的应用和相关实现 文件需要用CAJviewer打开
ConfigurationSoftware SoftwareReuse Double一ComPuterBaekuP (2009-10-27, PDF, 2446KB, 下载23次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] OCMJ5X10B

Jinpeng Electronics OCMJ5X10B LCD screen of information! Can also be downloaded from the website to Jinpeng Electronics! These include routines, data, manuals, character code, etc.! (2009-09-17, PDF, 5766KB, 下载45次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] OMAP5912

TI OMAP5912 dual-core processors, including data manuals and related schematics of the board and explain. (2009-05-24, PDF, 5124KB, 下载65次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Canbus_001

本分布式小区智能网络模型采用符合现场总线(Fieldbus)要求 的CAN技术,以带CAN总线端口的主控机和单元控制器CAN端接口构成的 CAN网络层,下层为由带RS485端口的住户采集器和单元控制器RS485端 接口构成了RS485网络层,向上则利用PC机连接CAN网络层,作为智能 化小区管理中心,从而基本实现智能小区管理、控制、报警、信息采 集和自我检测的功能。 本文从智能小区、现场总线、CAN技术到“CAN+RS485”双底层网 络模型的软、硬件研究,较为详细的介绍了其设计、调试运行和期间 各种问题的解决。
The Distributed Intelligent Network model district in line with Fieldbus (Fieldbus) requirements CAN technologies to bring CAN bus port主控机and cell controller CAN-side interface consisting of CAN network layer, the lower the grounds with RS485 port Household acquisition and cell controller interface RS485 client constitutes a RS485 network layer, up modem to connect to the PC using the CAN network layer, as the Intelligent Community Management Center in order to realize the basic intelligent community management, control, alarm, information collection and self-testing function. This article from the Intelligent Community, Fieldbus, CAN technology to (2007-08-12, PDF, 1897KB, 下载46次)
