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[中间件编程] thriftify

AMCC 2024成员的最终项目,优先考虑前端和后端部门之间的团队合作和协作
The final project for AMCC 2024 members, which prioritizes teamwork and collaboration between frontend and backend divisions (2024-06-30, Blade, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] Review-IT

“Review IT”是一个娱乐评论平台,提供关于电影、游戏、电视节目和动画的见解,具有各种功能,如线索...,
"Review IT" is an entertainment review platform offering insights on movies, games, TV shows, and anime, with various features like trailers, user feedback, and user reviews, built using Laravel for the backend and Bootstrap & Tailwind CSS for the frontend. (2023-10-17, Blade, 0KB, 下载0次)
