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[其他书籍] Swordputtodeath

还记得那部轰动一时的《九阴九阳》吗?金庸弟子阳朔十年磨一剑 带来这部令人耳目一新的作品!
Sword put to death (2010-03-12, TEXT, 214KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] 2006computer

This is a knowledge of computers, the book is suitable for everyone as a general reference to properly use the computer, Learning entertainment! (2007-06-19, TEXT, 2952KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] windowsgaoshoujinjie(6)

详解死机的原因和预防方法;隐藏在XP中的28个秘密武器;用PMAGIC安装98和XP双系统;找出WINDOWS XP下的关闭事件跟踪程序;找回丢失的输入法标志;重启时不可忽视的硬盘自检;注册表解锁有奇招妙用系统策略编辑器;注册表损坏之症状和修复;注册表修复不成功的原因(全完)。
lockups Elaborates on the causes and prevention methods; Hidden in the XP 28 secret weapons; PMAGIC with 98 and XP installed dual system; WINDOWS XP identify the closure of the incident tracking procedures; recovery of lost signs input method; Reboot not to be ignored Drive Self Test; Unlock the registry are gimmicks magic of System Policy Editor; registry destruction on the other symptoms and repair; Registry Repair unsuccessful reasons (entirely). (2006-04-19, TEXT, 18KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] solarisCommand

Solaris commands Summary (mainly aircraft orders) applied officers : Technical support engineers (2006-03-31, TEXT, 10KB, 下载252次)
