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[文章/文档] audiosmart-2mic-dev-kit-product-brief.pdf

双麦克风降噪 基于科胜讯技术 指导设计结构、声学等技术
dual mic noise suppression (2018-04-16, LINUX, 308KB, 下载19次)


[文章/文档] The Go Programming Language.pdf

Go language is a new C language style programming language launched by Google. It can reduce the complexity of code and improve the programming efficiency without losing the application performance. It is suitable for developing large software and is expected to become the mainstream programming language. The book is written by the author Kernighan of C programming language and the Google Corporation Go team. It is an authoritative book on the programming of Go language. (2017-12-28, LINUX, 4606KB, 下载16次)


[文章/文档] AISG v2.0

天线标准接口组织 AISG2.0。基站天线、塔放设备进行远程控制。
aisgv2.0 standard.Remote control of base station antenna and TMA equipment. (2017-12-19, LINUX, 188KB, 下载6次)
