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[WEB开发] 201111212207533772

Like his novels knows, surnamed Jin Yong is not gold, but surname investigation, he called the Louis Cha. " Yong" is his pseudonym from " Yong" derived from the word into two. Jin Yong' s martial arts, especially the protagonists, has long been beloved by Jinyong Mi. Among these, the true master of vulgarity, but often not the main characters, most of them in the novel serves as some kind of clue to the nexus or simply be a devil, as a last bastion. (2014-04-30, WORD, 166KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 2011weibojacky

UCenter Home是康盛创想开发的一套SNS系统,基于PHP + MySQL,在国内使用非常广泛, 配套的漫游平台提供丰富的第三方插件,是做娱乐SNS网站最快捷的方案。 一套比较精简的SNS系统,基于PHP + MySQL开发,几乎找不到冗余的代码,另外代码彻底开放也是它最大的特色,因此iWebSNS非常适合做二次开发。
UCenter Home is developed by Comsenz a SNS system, based on PHP+ MySQL, is widely used in the country, roaming platform supporting a rich third-party plug-ins, entertainment SNS sites do the most efficient solution. A more streamlined SNS system, based on PHP+ MySQL development, almost no redundant code, another code is completely open up its biggest feature, so iWebSNS very suitable for secondary development. (2011-11-17, WORD, 23804KB, 下载3次)
