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[输入法编程] gb-18030

本标准作为GB 2311体系的字符编码标准,规定了信息交换用的基本图形字符及其二进制编码的十六进制表示。适用于图形字符信息的处理、交换、存储、传输、显现、输入和输出。是对GB 2312的扩充。本标准具体规定了图形字符的单字节编码和双字节编码,并对四字节编码体系结构做出了规定。
the standard GB 2311 system as the character encoding standards, a requirement for the exchange of information with the basic characters and graphics binary coded hexadecimal representation. Character graphics applied to the processing of information, exchange, storage, transmission, indicating that the input and output. GB 2312 of the expansion. This standard specifies the graphic characters in the single-byte and double byte codes, as well as four-byte coding structure make provisions. (2005-04-13, WORD, 866KB, 下载54次)
