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[Leetcode/题库] loaf-community

摸鱼学社,是一个基于 React + Node 的类掘金的社区网站, 不仅提供不同方向技术的社区交流分享服务,还有力扣专区和摸鱼专区进行开拓性尝试, 个人也可以定制自己的私人库(比如社区主题色,字体大小等等)。
The Fish Catching Society is a gold digging community website based on React+Node. It not only provides community communication and sharing services in different directions, but also makes pioneering attempts in the Likuo Special Area and Fish Catching Special Area. Individuals can also customize their own private library (such as community theme colors, font sizes, etc.). (2024-04-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] cqie-mutual-selection

Campus Double Election Fair is a recruitment activity held to promote graduates employment and enhance the interaction between enterprises and schools. During the double election, students can understand the needs of enterprises and send resumes, and enterprises can select suitable students for interviews. However, there are some problems in the traditional double election, such as opaque information and chaotic data management. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a campus double election management system. The system is designed to improve the performance of the double election, (2023-10-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Project-Single-Resource-Steam-Store

与Akira Brown合作的项目,我们使用从kaggle下载的csv中提取的游戏销售数据库来创建我们自己的我们...,
Partnered project with Akira Brown where we are using a Game sales Database pulled from a csv downloaded from kaggle to create our own website with a bar chart for the top sales. (2023-08-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] leetcode_Icci

Programmer Interview Classic (6th Edition) Solution (2020-05-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] interView-code

A code sharing, collaboration web-app. A simple tool that can be used in phone interviews for efficient colaboration. (2018-08-16, JavaScript, 862KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] the-way-of-interview

Notes and code of front-end interview of Nugget booklet (2019-03-07, JavaScript, 113KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] 2020Spring

春招2020面试题 JS编程题... 金三银四 冲冲冲
Spring Recruitment 2020 Interview Question JS Programming Question Gold, Silver, and Four Chongchong Chongchong Chong (2020-03-15, JavaScript, 2094KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] node-interview-questions

node 相关的面试题整理,源自 imooc 双越(王福朋)。
Organize interview questions related to node, sourced from imooc Shuangyue (Wang Fupeng). (2021-01-12, JavaScript, 68KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] answerApp

这个一个微信小程序(金博纳电力题库 )
This WeChat mini program (Jinbona Power Question Library) (2023-05-15, JavaScript, 438KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Squirrel-Archive-Gold-Of-Desert-King-Server

警告:当前项目为2019年「大三」参与创业接的一个外部项目「沙漠掘金- 企业内训游戏平台」,项目已废弃,此处为Server端代码。保留这个仓库是为了记录历史,但是请注意,如果你尝试使用这个项目,可能会遇到各种问题和兼容性问题。
Warning: The current project is an external project "Desert Gold Digging - Enterprise Internal Training Game Platform" that participated in entrepreneurship during the 2019 "junior year". The project has been abandoned, and this is the server-side code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-10, JavaScript, 131KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] -Archive-Gold-Of-Desert-King-Vue-Admin-Management

警告:当前项目为2019年「大三」参与创业接的一个外部项目「沙漠掘金- 企业内训游戏平台」,项目已废弃,此处为Vue后台管理端代码。保留这个仓库是为了记录历史,但是请注意,如果你尝试使用这个项目,可能会遇到各种问题和兼容性问题。
Warning: The current project is an external project "Desert Gold Digging - Enterprise Internal Training Game Platform" that participated in entrepreneurship during the 2019 "junior year". The project has been abandoned, and this is the Vue backend management code. This warehouse is kept to record history, but please note that if you try to use this project, you may encounter various issues and compatibility issues. (2023-05-10, JavaScript, 3951KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] jcode-oj

Code Gold Digging Exercise Library (2022-05-23, JavaScript, 101KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] hexo-theme-spfk

Hexo双栏博客主题仓库 Another simple and elegant theme for Hexo.
Another simple and elegant theme for Hexo (2020-08-18, JavaScript, 12780KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] js-algorithms

Frontend Algorithm and Data Structure Interview for Digging Gold: Interpretation of Underlying Logic and Training of Big Factory True Questions (2021-05-24, JavaScript, 71KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] leetCodeChallenges

leetCodeChallenges,HR Grads collaborating on coding challenges (2022-07-21, JavaScript, 83KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Katas

Katas,A collection katas of Codewars, Leetcode, Hackerrank (2021-09-13, JavaScript, 53KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] stats-cards

stats-cards,在 README 中展示你在知乎,GitHub,B 站,LeetCode,掘金,CSDN,牛客等网站的数据,也可用于服务状态监控. Show your LeetCode & GitHub stats in GitHub Profile.
Stats cards, display your data on websites such as Zhihu, GitHub, Bilibili, LeetCode, Nugget, CSDN, Niuke, etc. in README, and can also be used for service status monitoring Show your LeetCode & GitHub stats in GitHub Profile. (2023-05-12, JavaScript, 65KB, 下载0次)
