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[Web3.0] CryptoAidNetwork-Web3

Web 3.0慈善平台CryptoAidNetwork(CAN),全球连接心灵,共创美好明天。以透明和安全的方式授权、捐赠和改变生活。与MLH Web3.0Apps黑客马拉松合作开发。
Web 3.0 philanthropy platform, CryptoAidNetwork (CAN), globally connecting hearts for a better tomorrow. Empower, donate, and transform lives with transparency and security. Developed in collaboration with the MLH Web3.0Apps Hackathon. (2024-02-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)



該專題是中山資管系之大學畢業專題,使用 Web3.0 區塊鏈技術裡的智能合約建立一去中心化生態圈的商業模式,用基於 React 的網頁與 Tensorflow 來辨識使用者運動時的動作,發想出一款基於行動裝置並串連異業合作的健身輔助APP,允許使用者在家中進行有效率的運動,並立即性的監測運動品質狀態,也為使用者提供了兩種運動計畫,分為健康取向及健身取向,以迎合不同需求及目標。
This project is the graduation project of Zhongshan Department of Assets Management. It uses the smart contract in Web3.0 blockchain technology to establish a decentralized ecosystem business model, uses React based web pages and Tensorflow to identify users movements when exercising, and develops a fitness assistance app based on mobile devices and connected with cross industry cooperation, allowing users to exercise effectively at home and immediately monitor the status of sports quality, It also provides users with two kinds of sports programs, including health orientation and fitness orientation, to meet different needs and goals. (2024-02-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web3.0] WEB322-Taranjeet-Singh

WEB322 Taranjeet Singh (2023-12-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web3.0] WEB322-maryam-thakore

WEB322 maryam thakore (2023-12-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web3.0] zoomerok-new

Zoomerok wants to enable content creators to thrive with full control over their data by building an easy, user-friendly application. Taking Back Content Ownership. (2023-10-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web3.0] scholarship-app

This web application, powered by Next.js, simplifies the scholarship and whitelist application process. Users can connect their web3 wallet, submit their Twitter along with reasons for their approval and engange with a specified tweet. (2023-09-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
