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[支付接口] Job-sector-client-side

Job sector is the ultimate destination for freelancers across the board. Discover a diverse array of projects, collaborate with clients, and take your freelance journey to new heights. Whether you re a creative, coder, or consultant, job sector opens doors to success. (2024-03-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] calculator-tools

WeChat applet WeChat, Alipay applet source code, h5 mortgage calculator, tools treasure box, BMI personality test, flowers and flowers, taxes, social security accumulation fund calculator, massive tools, functions are increasing, welcome star (2023-12-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] nodejs-alipay-api

nodejs调用支付宝接口实现线上\线下 支付 查询 退款 退款查询功能;需要支付宝提供合作者ID 密钥 测试帐号等信息,
Nodejs calls Alipay interface to realize online/offline payment query refund query function; Alipay is required to provide the partner ID, key test account and other information, (2017-02-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] alipay

node.js版支付宝开放平台 蚂蚁金服开放平台 口碑开放平台 API 签名算法,单文件通用版。适用于蚂蚁金服开放平台所有API的签名算法,包括支付宝支付,口碑第三方代理。,
Node.js Alipay open platform Ant Financial open platform reputation open platform API signature algorithm, single file universal version. The signature algorithm is applicable to all APIs of Ant Financial Open Platform, including Alipay and reputation third-party agent., (2019-05-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] alipay-vue

蚂蚁金服小程序(alipay hybrid) 基于 vuejs 的 template,
The Alibaba Hybrid applet is based on the template of Vuejs, (2017-02-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] vesan

与Vue Elt、Servidio、Animadio和NemJS合作的CMS,
CMS with Vue-Elt, Servidio, Animadio & NemJS, (2023-06-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[支付接口] RevEng-PayPal

Code Snippets and Tools for the Reverse Engineering Project at the Seemoo Lab of the Technical University Darmstadt, (2022-09-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
