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按分类查找All 图形图像处理(6) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(6) 

[图形图像处理] unicorn

A simple command line color manager for working with Node.js., (2016-02-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Image-zoom-effect-web

made for fun and practice. simply replicating the image zoom effect seen in some websites like Amazon and ... (2023-08-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] KeepLog

KeepLog is your partner in keeping your important information safe, organized, and accessible. Say goodbye to shifting through scattered notes or worrying about the security of your data. Embrace the simplicity and reliability of KeepLog to enhance your data management experience. (2023-08-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] image-preview

preview image on web page。rotate,zoom.etc. 移动端JS 图片预览 插件 支持 预览图片,旋转,放大(双指 双击)。 Give Me Star !!!
Preview image on web page. Rotate, zoom. etc. The JS image preview plug-in on the mobile terminal supports preview, rotation, and magnification (double finger double click). Give Me Star!!! (2023-03-10, JavaScript, 13943KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] previewImage-mobile

仿微信js-sdk wx.previewImage javascript实现,支持图片预览,滑动切换,双指缩放,图片缓存;Support for picture preview, slide switch, double finger z...
Imitate WeChat js-sdk wx.previewImage javascript implementation, support picture preview, sliding switch, double finger zoom, picture cache; Support for picture preview, slide switch, double finger z (2021-06-11, JavaScript, 130KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Trident

Trident is a high quality, friendly, multi-purpose entertainment bot. With many features such as but not only meme images, image manipulation, moderation, and music! We support Youtube, Twitch, Soundcloud and more! (2019-10-05, JavaScript, 15KB, 下载0次)
