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[教育系统应用] exam

一个基于ASP的在线考试系统。完全开源,无限制版。 本系统栏目包括了网络在线考试系统的通用功能,具体功能主要有考题题库维护、考生档案管理、随机出题、考试计划管理、系统自动评分及成绩查询,该系统实现了考生的断线续考功能,大大减少了人工的主观性干扰,大大增加了考试的公平性。 但作为免费版本,我不对任何使用本系统所造成的不良后果负责。因为你使用的前提是自愿! 需商业使用,而在功能上有增加或修改的,或是技术上有疑问的,可以与我进行技术合作。 后台入口:admin_login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin
An ASP-based online examination system. (2011-09-29, ASP, 146KB, 下载19次)


[教育系统应用] StudentShipManager

Achieving students scholarships and calculations, specialized courses according to student achievement and extra-curricular credits are ranked and then the distribution of scholarships, using sql2005, vs2010 and run their own writing (2011-06-06, ASP, 2597KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] 25175zhgl

奖学金评定系统1、进入管理系统后在“综合测评管理”中进入“测评成绩导入”。 2、在“可选班级”中选择相关班级放入“测评班级”,点“下一步”。 3、选择测评学期为“08-09-1”和 “08-09-2”,在测评考试性质中选“总评”,点“下一步”,出现“是否生成数据”对话框,选择“是” 4、将所有“可选课程”选择为“测评课程”,(如未出现课程,重新操作一次即可)点“下一步”,出现“是否重新生成数据”对话框,选择“是” 5、将所有成绩导入“智育成绩”,点“导入全部成绩”,然后点“维护班级成绩”,选择“保存成绩”并在随后出现的对话框中选择“上传到服务器”。
Scholarship evaluation system 1, after entering management system, "Comprehensive Assessment Management" to enter "Scores Import." 2, in the "optional class" select the relevant class into the "evaluation class" point "Next." 3, select the measurement term for "08-09-1" and "08-09-2" in the nature of measurement tests selected "General Comments", click "Next" a "is generated Data" dialog box, select "Yes" 4, all the "optional course" selected "Assessment Programme", (if not in the curriculum, re-operation only once) of "Next," a "is re-generated data" dialog box, select "Yes" 5, all the results into "academic performance", click "Import all the scores," then "maintaining class performance", choose "Save Results" and in the subsequent dialog box appears, select "upload to the server." (2010-06-07, ASP, 507KB, 下载70次)


[教育系统应用] sanjie

A simple apartment management system, from two rainforest Chupin for the next document and the transmission (2009-11-05, ASP, 3661KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] P_edit

Feng Ding a test edit test system, the original test system Ding Feng lack of content. (2008-10-15, ASP, 2KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] zxks

鼎峰在线考试系统,如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道的密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据吧 469e80d32c0559f8 那么密码就是admin
Ding-feng online exam system, if they are MD5 encrypted file, not knowing the password, please put in the database encrypted data for this group it is the admin password so 469e80d32c0559f8 (2008-09-01, ASP, 694KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] voting1

程序主要功能: 1、支持在线的图片投票和评论; 2、支持报道新闻动态更新 3、支持自定义分类 4、支持投票相关的评选,投票的说明等 5、支持各种投票限制,每天每个IP投票数量显示,每个Ip对指定的图片投票限制等等 6、后台完善由大赛报道、人物展示、投票评论、用户管理、系统管理主要组成 7、在线报名,后台自主审核用户 8、用户查询系统 9、合作商业单位 10、自动关闭投票功能. 11、网站开关功能
Procedure main functions: one to support online voting and comment the pictures 2, support 3 dynamic update news, support custom Category 4, to support the selection of the relevant vote, voting, etc. note 5, in support of various voting restrictions, per day IP polling shows the number of months, each Ip picture to vote on the specified limit, etc. 6, the background sound from the contest reports, figures show, vote comments, user management, system management a major component 7, online registration, the user 8 autonomous body to vet the background, Inquiry System 9 users, 10 commercial units co-operation, automatic shut down feature to vote 11, the site switching function (2008-06-04, ASP, 1275KB, 下载27次)


[教育系统应用] onlineexamv1.1

在线考试系统 本系统只作为一种技术交流,不能用于商业,希望能给予合作。
online examination system of the system only as a technical exchanges and can not be used for commercial, hope to co-operate. (2007-05-23, ASP, 326KB, 下载19次)


[教育系统应用] eoffice

学校智能办公系统 1、系统包含成绩学籍管理、公文管理、电子备课、教职工管理、照片管理、课件管理等学校办公的多个方面。 2、实行集中管理,分工合作,将所有用户按职位分为多个级别,每个级别的用户只能使用系统管理员分配的功能,还能为每个用户分配特有的功能。
schools a smart office system, the system includes expulsion performance management, document management, electronic classes, the staff management, Photos management, courseware office management schools in many areas. 2, centralized management, division of labor, all users will be divided into a number of jobs by level, each level of user can use the system administrator distribution, but also the allocation for each specific user functions. (2006-10-12, ASP, 4960KB, 下载398次)


[教育系统应用] 学生管理2

1、本系统采用B/S架构,是学校智能办公系统的一部分,菜单中的“用户管理”、“权限管理”、“菜单管理”、“帮助主题”已集成在办公系统之中,因此本系统不提供这几项功能。 2、本系统采用集中管理、分工合作的方式,将用户分为五个级别,每个级别的用户只能使用相应的功能,因此,能公平、公正、公开地考评各位教师的教学质量。 3、支持多人同时操作和远程操作,大大缩短数据录入时间。 安装和使用注意事项: 1、将压缩文件解压到IIS目录后,运行cjcl目录下的reg.bat。 2、系统内置五个用户:系统管理、学校领导、成绩录入、班主任、一般用户,其中前四个用户的密码均为1,而一般用户在登录页面只需点提交,一般用户只提供查询功能。 3、使用前先由学校领导创建新任务,录入学校信息、教师信息、班信息等,再由班主任录入学生信息,最后由成绩录入员录入学生成绩。 4、在数据库中的user表中更改或增加用户,在jbqx表中更改每个级别的权限。 如有建议或疑问请与作者联系。
1, the system using B/S, smart office is the school system part of the menu of "management", "management authority", "menu management," "Help topic" integrated office system, the present system does not provide these functions. 2, the system uses centralized management, division of labor, users will be divided into five levels, each level of user can only use the corresponding function, it will be fair, impartial and open to evaluation by teachers of the quality of teaching. 3, the support operations at the same time many people, and remote operation, greatly reducing data entry time. The installation and use of attention : one, extracting compressed files to IIS directory, the directory operation cjcl the reg.bat. 2, 5 embedded system users : syst (2005-03-17, ASP, 626KB, 下载731次)
