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[网络编程] xingzuan

to fight (2017-01-24, ASP, 3KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] Echat_V40

1.音频视频模块 基于web的音视频聊天终于推出,大家对Echat的支持是我们不断改进的原动力! 新的功能模块加入使系统结构做了变化,用插件的方式来扩展音频、视频、移动 语音聊天首创支持实时混音、声音编辑、实时变声、点对点文件共享等功能 看到演示效果后,国内的两大聊天门户立刻放弃了以前的软件平台,跟Echat合作 2.端口机制 以前的Echat为每一个房间开放了一个socket端口,这样做有两大坏处:1.端口太 多,防火墙对这些的端口都要设定;
1 audio and video module Audio and video chat based on Web finally launched, we support the Echat is our continuous improvement of the original power! The new function module is added to make the system structure change, and the way to expand the audio, video, mobile The first real-time voice chat support, sound editing, sound mixing, real-time peer-to-peer file sharing and other functions After seeing the demonstration effect, the two major domestic chat portal immediately abandoned the previous software platform, with Echat cooperation 2 port mechanism The previous Echat for each room to open a socket port, so do have two disadvantages: 1 Port too More, the firewall on these ports should be set (2016-02-16, ASP, 351KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] j_7073_tee5_mir2

1:布局重新整理,使其更合理,修正慢的问题! 2:首页增加留言显示! 3:修正本地软件无法下载问题! 4:修正装备展示内容限制问题,可以无限添加! 5:删除合作资源,增加了新手指南! **************************************************** 保持3.3所有功能 V3.4更新内容 1:解决后台网站设置问题 2:增加菜单管理功能!(分顶部导航,顶部版权) 3:客服部分,电话,QQ采用无限制! 4:增加在线统计修改功能! 5:修正新手指南首页不显示错误! 6:修正了新手指南内容不换行错误! 7:修正新闻公告注入BUG! 8:修正首页只能显示一张照片的错误! 由于时间匆忙,请各位手动升级 V3.4最新功能,导航菜单添加管理, 升级方法: 新建表:Gq_menu 字段:id 自动编号 字段:menuid 长整型 字段:title 字符型 50 字段:url 字符型 随意 字段:open 逻辑型 字段:foot 逻辑型 字段:pass 逻辑型 新建表:Gq_config 字段分别为:qq dh sf RMB bbs 全部为备注型
1 : layout re-organized to make it more reasonable, that the problem of slow! 2 : Home show increased voice! 3 : Amendments to the local software can not be downloaded! 4 : Amendments equipment display content restrictions, can add unlimited! 5 : delete cooperation resources, the increase is coming!**************************************************** maintain all the functions SP 3.3 update 1 : background website set up to solve two problems : increasing menu management functions! (Sub-Top navigation, top copyright) 3 : customer service, telephone, unlimited use QQ! 4 : increase online statistical change the functional! 5 : Home Guide that newcomers do not show wrong! 6 : Amendments to the novice Guide content is not wrong for OK! 7 : Amendment to a press release into BUG! 8 : Home amend (2006-07-03, ASP, 1380KB, 下载8次)
