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[ASP/.NET编程] 333

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。
The knife entertainment network source asp+access/mssql website architecture, computer version, mobile phone version, the tablet version of seamless handoff, a background synchronization management station generates static to the search included, Dreamweaver open visual modification. It is specially designed for making website, such as "Xiao Dao entertainment network, QQ tutorial, easy language tutorials, LOL tutorials, QQ business, code sharing, tutorial release" and so on. (2018-01-23, ASP, 2530KB, 下载4次)
