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[Web服务器] 80yingshi

八零影视娱乐产品公司源码 2.2.3 更新说明:2012年1月19日 1.增加无限极栏目调用标签,去掉subnavlist标签,具体请参照标签文档 2.增加友情链接分组,并增加属性标签group 3.增加ICO后台上传,固定ICO路径为根目录favicon.ico 4.新增加三组,一共四组幻灯片,调用方法请参照标签文档
Eighty film and television entertainment company source 2.2.3 update: January 19, 2012 1. Add unlimited calling section label, remove the label subnavlist, please refer to the specific label document 2. Increase Links group, and increase the property tag group 3. Increase the background upload ICO, ICO fixed path to the root directory favicon.ico 4. The additional three groups, a total of four sets of slides, a document calling method please refer to the label (2016-05-17, ASP, 6825KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] gulan

Koran Islam is the only fundamental classic. It is 23 years of Muhammad in the missionary process are announced in the revelation of Allah collection. Koran word-based Arabic Quran transliteration, meaning read , reading or books. Old Chinese translated as Gul Ani , Koran , Koran Scriptures , treasure life Scriptures and so on. Note by the medi Islamic scientists expressed according to Scripture, it includes 55 names, which often Ke Tabu (Book, Reading), Revelations , Dickel (Zikr), Truth light , wisdom and to call. (2016-04-28, ASP, 220KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] baidu_news

1.可以在一个网页文件订阅BAIDU13个类别的所有最新新闻.国内最新新闻,社会最新新闻,国际最新新闻,互联网最新新闻,财经最新新闻,房产最新新闻,汽车最新新闻,体育最新新闻,娱乐最新新闻,教育最新新闻,游戏最新新闻,健康最新新闻,科技最新新闻. 2.标题和mata同时优化,不同新闻不同标题和描述,关键词. 3.大小只有3K,不用更新和维护.时刻与BAIDU同步.
1. You can subscribe to a page file BAIDU 13 categories of all the latest news. The latest domestic news, the latest community news, the latest international news, internet latest news, financial breaking news, the latest real estate news, the latest automotive news, sports, breaking news, entertainment The latest news, the latest education news, games, breaking news, the latest health news, technology news. 2. The title and mata while optimizing different news different title and description, keywords. 3. The size is only 3K, without updating and maintenance. BAIDU time and synchronization. (2016-04-21, ASP, 4KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] www.disk001.com

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You download the file from the flu-yi-yi, the interactive entertainment http://www.Pay-4u.Com------------------- sense to collect all kinds of popular interactive entertainment The CMS (Content Management System), CMS webmaster for Chu Shi provide self-learning platform.*************************************** Site provides DEDECMS, moving easily CMS, Empire CMS, Wind News CMS, a new cloud CMS, Kesion CMS and other popular CMS system to download the template style, modular plug-ins, tutorials, tips, help center. (2010-02-03, ASP, 256KB, 下载106次)


[Web服务器] myTopWinCMS2

拓文asp.net网站内容管理系统 v2.0 v2.0重写了数据访问层,大量修改了逻辑层。新加入软件下载模块,简化生成HTML得步骤,提升生成HTML得性能,搜索引擎加入多关键字搜索功能. 一个开放源码的.net系统,基于三层结构开发;具有VB.NET和C#.NET双版版本.数据库采用SQl Server 2000,使用了大量存储过程,并非单纯的把数据库形式由ACCESS转为MSSQL的程序。 它拥有众多模块:软件下载,新闻文章,留言本,调查投票,友情链接,在线文件管理,公告发布,数据库管理。界面豪华、功能完善、简单易用、管理方便。它能帮助您建立高效率的独立站点。 它支持无限分类、栏目自由排序、批量生成静态文件、支持长文章分页...文章点击统计为动态,省去了隔段时间生成HTML的麻烦;强大的在线编辑文章功能提供了最大的灵活性,却又无需要专门学习,可方便地行图文混排,任意修改。 留言本支持UBB代码、支持关键字过滤、支持禁止指定IP发留言、防灌水机攻击机制、支持阻止广告程序自动灌水。 管理员权限采用基于角色的分配,特别合适多人员维护网站。
Tuong Van Asp. Net Web content management system v2.0 v2.0 rewrite of the data access layer, extensive amendments to the logical layer. New software download module, generating HTML in simplified steps to enhance performance in generating HTML, Search engines add more keyword search function. an open source. net system, based on the three-tier structure development; with VB.NET, and C#.NET-edition version. the database using SQL Server 2000. he used a lot of storage process is not simply a form from the database ACCESS to MSSQL procedures. It has many modules : download software, news articles, message of the survey vote Links, online document management, announcement, database management. Interface luxury, complete functions, easy to use and easy to manage. It can help you build an effi (2006-06-24, ASP, 5570KB, 下载187次)


[Web服务器] class-begin

This is a development with the asp classes similar to the Forum, to facilitate a grade or class entertainment (2006-05-10, ASP, 2559KB, 下载7次)
