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[Windows编程] 15

The sand hill hillock program API version has the function of API calling Taobao data, gold function components, support cross site settlement, URL is displayed in directory. (2018-04-13, ASP, 2826KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 19776514

欢迎使用双数据库bbs! 注:之所以称双数据库并不是指可同时支持双数据库,而是可以方便在ACCESS或者MSSQL数据库这切换! (2018-01-22, ASP, 572KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] srgjmes

欢迎使用双数据库bbs! 注:之所以称双数据库并不是指可同时支持双数据库,而是可以方便在ACCESS或者MSSQL数据库这切换! (2017-10-04, ASP, 573KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] YLB_MinCMS

YLB_MinCMS是一款博客型文章管理系统 系统:JavaScript构建,仅支持IE,采用EXCEL和ACCESS双数据库支持 | 数据库修改:*mdb <-> *xls Access <-> Excel 创建全新Access文档即可 特点:文件小,见面整洁,无需设置,管理方便,两种数据库格式 用途:本系统主要用于手动编辑的新闻文章发布,产品发布也是不错的选择
YLB_MinCMS is a blog-type article management system System: JavaScript build, only supports IE, dual use EXCEL and ACCESS support | changes:* mdb <->* xls Access <-> Excel document to create a new Access Features: small file size, to meet clean, no need to set, easy management, both s formats Purpose: This news article system is mainly used to manually edit the release, product release is a good choice (2016-04-25, ASP, 49KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wcnews

程序文件一个,大小仅8K,全部文件压缩后也只有8K.但具备BAIDU新闻的搜索能力.内容自动更新,和BAIDU同步,适合各大站长. 包括:√ 国内新闻 √ 社会新闻 √ 国际新闻 √ 互联网新闻 √ 财经新闻 √ 房产新闻 √ 汽车新闻 √ 体育新闻 √ 娱乐新闻 √ 教育新闻 √ 游戏新闻 √ 健康新闻 √ 科技新闻 √ 搜
A program file, the size of only 8K, after all the files are compressed and only 8K. BAIDU but with the ability to search news content is automatically updated and synchronized BAIDU for major owners. Includes: √ √ Domestic News Social News World News √ √ √ Internet news business news property news √ √ √ Automotive News Sports News Entertainment News √ √ √ game news education news health news √ √ √ Science News search (2016-04-22, ASP, 9KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] daikuan_v201176

软件介绍 2011年7月6日后最新版购房商业贷款、公积金贷款计算器 Tags: 房贷计算器 贷款计算器 买房贷款源码
Software introduction July 2011 6 days after the latest version of the purchase of commercial loans, provident fund loan calculator Tags: home loan calculator loan calculator source (2016-01-05, ASP, 15KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wy

物业公司收费管理系统精简免费版(完全免费,无技术支持,2014年3月更新) 1.收费内容全面:可以收水电费、物业费、电梯充卡费、装修保证金、垃圾清理费、租房押金、电梯损耗费、车辆通行证费、杂费等等各种费用 2.收费方式灵活:水电费和物业费可以按单个月收、多个月收、按年收等等,其他按次收费 3.打印内容灵活:水电费可以和物业费一起打印,也可以分别单独打印。打印内容清清楚楚,多收少收业主一目了然 4.预收款管理方便:预收款直接体现在打印单据中,不必单独开单。财务做帐时后台又可以单独统计出来 5.没有删除功能,防止收费人员利用漏洞私自收取或减免费用 6.采用B/S结构,有浏览器即可使用。安装使用方便。不限制用户数 7.住房、地下室、车库、阁楼等灵活管理和计费 8.完善的日志功能,收费员的每一步操作都有详细的日志记录 9.管理员用户名:test,密码:123456 某大型小区有十余家开发商,近百栋楼,几千户居民。之前水电、物业收费混乱,业主怨声载道,物业公司财务混乱。启用软件之后,收费清清楚楚。业主心里有数,不再埋怨。物业公司财务也得到整理,数据准确。
Property company charges management system to streamline the free version (fully free, no technical support, March 2014 update) 1. The contents of the charges comprehensive: collecting water and electricity, property fee, elevator charge card fees, decoration margin, garbage removal fees, rental deposit, lift loss fee, vehicle traffic card fees, fees and so on various cost 2 flexible way: utilities and property fees can be charged by a single month, more than a month to receive, and so on, the other charges 3 printing content is flexible: water and electricity costs can be printed with the property, but also can be printed separately. Print content clearly, more than the number of owners at a glance 4 pre management convenient: pre payment directly reflected in the print document, without separate billing. When the finance accounts, the background can be counted separately. 5 no delete function, to prevent the use of toll free charge or charge 6 using B/S structure, there is a br (2015-11-24, ASP, 38KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] szhzsgl_v2.0

Three people farmer cooperative fund management system, all three software cooperatives Lianyungang three public by the Software Technology Co., Ltd. independent research and development (computer software copyright No: soft Teng Zi No. 0471995), in particular the introduction of mutual funds for farmers cooperatives, farmer cooperative funds, cooperatives business management system (2015-06-13, ASP, 5788KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] weiduomei_2015.0430

how are you i am fine and you i am fine,too (2015-05-02, ASP, 1569KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] kysm_v5.1

Open systems computing life www.azg168.cn development ized the most powerful, most complete, up to measure the function of free online computer fortune-telling system! Currently you can provide, including: birthday horoscopes, horoscopes estimates, dry day on life, saying the bone on the life, the test name, last name order matching, generations ago man, surname origin constellation inquiry, horoscope, horoscope matching, horoscope testing, celebrity constellation Birthday password, EQ test, personality test, relationships test, personality test, LOVE analysis online row disc tray row character poster, Da Liu Ren classes, Liu Yao Qigua, Qi Men Dun Jia office, Flying Star drain pan, gold formulas stand lesson Astrology row disk, true solar time correction, regional longitude inquiry draw divination, Guanyin Ling signed, signed Lu Zu Ling, Wong Tai Sin Ling sign, sign off Emperor God, spirit days after signing, Zhuge Fortune , Dream Dictionary, online Buddha, residential and bad At (2015-03-25, ASP, 16263KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] cooperation

A website of sch_corp cooperation,include multi_item of cooperation. (2014-09-22, ASP, 14542KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] gxzj

2009最新完整美化搞笑证件源码,增加网站趣味性,娱乐性。适合做GG广告的站长使用,我已经把模板做好了,不容易啊,花了二三个晚上,广告位置和颜色搭配的比较好。你只需要换成你的gg广告代码就OK了。没有GG广告的站长可以删除哪段GG代码广告,呵呵。 程序经过我精心调试,没有BUG,完美无错。
2009 date and complete source code beautify the funny papers, increase web site interesting, entertaining. GG ad suitable for webmaster to use, I have put the template well, Burongyia spent two or three nights, ad placement and colors better. You only need to replace your gg ad code OK. No GG webmaster advertising which can be deleted paragraphs GG code advertising, Hehe. After I carefully debugging process, there is no BUG, a perfect error-free. (2009-08-27, ASP, 2938KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] graspcrm70

任我行CRM软件500客户破解版 本PJ补丁由 星语风 制作,仅供测试 商业应用,请向官方购买正版 下载后请于24小时内删除,谢谢合作。 1、解压AceCRM.dll到如下目录 C:\Program Files\ComPlus Applications\{FE022411-F4B8-4715-AD92-CC786A58B531} 2、解压verifyuser到如下目录 C:\Program Files\WeWay\管家婆CRM\ASP
500 customers任我行CRM software version crack patch PJ language wind produced by the stars, only commercial application of the test, please download the official purchase of genuine please delete within 24 hours, Thank you for your cooperation. 1, extract AceCRM.dll to the following directory C: \ Program Files \ ComPlus Applications \ (FE022411-F4B8-4715-AD92-CC786A58B531) 2, extract verifyuser to the following directory C: \ Program Files \ WeWay \ housekeeper CRM \ ASP (2009-06-27, ASP, 20670KB, 下载44次)


[Windows编程] MSclass

魅力同学录为网络上功能最强大的同学录系统,并且有在线人员给予长期技术支持和在线升级服务。是你班级同学录的最佳选择! 新功能: 1.新增魅力在线音乐管理系统1.0,强大的背景音乐管理。完全实现后台管理,带字母显示功能。 2.安装十多个娱乐插件 3.程序内核升级至2007Build0325,解决此前存在的系列问题。
Classmates charm for the network s most powerful Classmates system, and online staff to give long-term technical support and online upgrade service. Classmates is your best choice of classes! New features: 1. Add the charm of online music management system 1.0, a strong management background music. The full realization of the background of management, with the letters display. 2. Installed plug-ins more than 10 entertainment 3. Procedure kernel upgrade to 2007Build0325, resolved after a series of problems there. (2007-12-27, ASP, 1765KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] card

百堂数字点卡程序v1.0后台路径:http://域名/admin 管理帐号和密码为admin 该数字点卡程序系统有以下主要功能: 商品分类、分级,可以销售各种游戏、娱乐卡,甚至电话卡等 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
100 Digital Card v1.0 background process path: http:// domain/admin management admin account and password for the Digital Card program system have identified the following main functions: commodity classification, grading, can sell all kinds of games, entertainment card , and even phone cards, etc. This article comes from off-source shrimp http://www.xkxz.com (2007-12-23, ASP, 3011KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] 200622815451224303

新婚来贺名单管理系统(单用户版)新婚举办婚宴需要登记来宾名单以及来宾给新人包的红包的礼金数 使用流程: 1.先将宴请宾客名单全部录入 2.婚宴当日为来宾签到 签到的同时记录来贺礼金(就是记录每位客人红包包了多少银两啦~) 3.程序自动统计给出 宴请客人总数、实际签到客人总数、所有签到客人礼金总数 登陆用户名:admin 登陆密 码:admin
wedding to the list management system (single-user version) married wedding organized list of registered guests and visitors to the new packet of gifts in red envelopes using several processes : 1. First list all the dinner guests Input 2. The day of the wedding guests attendance at the same time attendance records to the gift (which was recorded each guest was the number of gift packages silvers-- ~) 3. Statistics given automatic procedures dinner guests total, the actual attendance total guests, all guests gifts total attendance landing Username : admin landing Password : admin (2006-04-07, ASP, 58KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] xiaoyuanfengge

教师: ——我相信你和你的学习能力。 ——我班上没有一个愚蠢的孩子。 ——我希望你能充分利用每一个学习机会。 ——你做错了事情,我不生气;如果你不用功,我才生气。 ——你有你学习的权利,我有我教学的权利。 ——我们要尊重彼此的权利。 ——我喜欢你,因为你是独一无二的。 ——我真幸运有你在我们班。 学生: ——我们要努力做个快乐的好小孩。 ——如果我们做错了事,要及时改正,诚实的孩子最勇敢。 ——今天要做的事情不留到明天。 ——我希望我能我的快乐与身边的每一个人分享。 ——很高兴我们能成为朋友。 ——我要为我的学习付出自己的心血和汗水。 ——每天请响亮地对自己说三声:“我能行!” ——让我们一起合作,享受愉快的学习。
teachers :-- I think you and your ability to learn.-- My classroom without a stupid child.-- I hope you will take full advantage of every opportunity to learn.-- You wrong, I am not angry; If you are not hard, I only angry.-- You have the right to learn from you, I have my teaching rights.-- We should respect each other's rights.-- I like you, because you are unique.-- I am really lucky to have you in our class. Students :-- We should strive to be a good and happy child.-- If we have done something wrong, they should promptly correct and honest, the most courageous children.-- Are going to do today is not to wait until tomorrow.-- I hope I can I happy with the side of each individual share.-- Very happy that we can become friends.-- I want to pay my own study of energy an (2006-04-01, ASP, 1664KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] shishangliuyanben

教师: ——我相信你和你的学习能力。 ——我班上没有一个愚蠢的孩子。 ——我希望你能充分利用每一个学习机会。 ——你做错了事情,我不生气;如果你不用功,我才生气。 ——你有你学习的权利,我有我教学的权利。 ——我们要尊重彼此的权利。 ——我喜欢你,因为你是独一无二的。 ——我真幸运有你在我们班。 学生: ——我们要努力做个快乐的好小孩。 ——如果我们做错了事,要及时改正,诚实的孩子最勇敢。 ——今天要做的事情不留到明天。 ——我希望我能我的快乐与身边的每一个人分享。 ——很高兴我们能成为朋友。 ——我要为我的学习付出自己的心血和汗水。 ——每天请响亮地对自己说三声:“我能行!” ——让我们一起合作,享受愉快的学习。
teachers :-- I think you and your ability to learn.-- My classroom without a stupid child.-- I hope you will take full advantage of every opportunity to learn.-- You wrong, I am not angry; If you are not hard, I only angry.-- You have the right to learn from you, I have my teaching rights.-- We should respect each other's rights.-- I like you, because you are unique.-- I am really lucky to have you in our class. Students :-- We should strive to be a good and happy child.-- If we have done something wrong, they should promptly correct and honest, the most courageous children.-- Are going to do today is not to wait until tomorrow.-- I hope I can I happy with the side of each individual share.-- Very happy that we can become friends.-- I want to pay my own study of energy an (2006-04-01, ASP, 218KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] xjccl.com

精美网站模板教师: ——我相信你和你的学习能力。 ——我班上没有一个愚蠢的孩子。 ——我希望你能充分利用每一个学习机会。 ——你做错了事情,我不生气;如果你不用功,我才生气。 ——你有你学习的权利,我有我教学的权利。 ——我们要尊重彼此的权利。 ——我喜欢你,因为你是独一无二的。 ——我真幸运有你在我们班。 学生: ——我们要努力做个快乐的好小孩。 ——如果我们做错了事,要及时改正,诚实的孩子最勇敢。 ——今天要做的事情不留到明天。 ——我希望我能我的快乐与身边的每一个人分享。 ——很高兴我们能成为朋友。 ——我要为我的学习付出自己的心血和汗水。 ——每天请响亮地对自己说三声:“我能行!” ——让我们一起合作,享受愉快的学习。
attractive website template teachers :-- I think you and your ability to learn.-- My classroom without a stupid child.-- I hope you will take full advantage of every opportunity to learn.-- You wrong, I am not angry; If you are not hard, I only angry.-- You have the right to learn from you, I have my teaching rights.-- We should respect each other's rights.-- I like you, because you are unique.-- I am really lucky to have you in our class. Students :-- We should strive to be a good and happy child.-- If we have done something wrong, they should promptly correct and honest, the most courageous children.-- Are going to do today is not to wait until tomorrow.-- I hope I can I happy with the side of each individual share.-- Very happy that we can become friends.-- I want to p (2006-04-01, ASP, 540KB, 下载14次)
