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[搜索引擎] Alexa1.0

Kai studio netizens produced life, entertainment, tools applications. Alexa is a specialized release website ranking sites. In search engine started Alexa was founded in April 1996 (USA), the purpose is to make the Internet users in the virtual world to share resources, more involved in the organization of Internet resources. (2016-05-17, ASP, 33KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] idcc

查查IDC是目前正在开发中的程序,完全参照中文引擎百度模式,目前版本为1.0,在后续的版本中, 我们会加大更多的功能。本程序仅仅为学习娱乐用途。在下一版本中我们会增加如下功能: 1.按满意度分类. 2.随机推广竟价. 3.搜索TOP排行榜 4.连接报错 5. 快照等更多一切功能.
Look IDC is currently under development program, strictly in accordance with Chinese engine Baidu mode, the current version is 1.0, and in subsequent versions, We will increase more. This procedure is only learning and entertainment purposes. In the next version, we will add the following features: 1. Press satisfaction category. 2. Random promote price competition. 3. Search TOP ranking 4. 5. Everything connected being given more snapshots. (2016-04-24, ASP, 69KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] jinmeiblogsearch

Jin global blog search engine, a fully automated intelligent search engine, multi-threaded multi-machine operation, automatically find your site and stored in the database (2006-06-27, ASP, 57KB, 下载46次)
