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[其他] 阿男世纪江湖_5.8

jianghuliaotianshiwenziyouxiyuanma (2021-03-27, ASP, 4097KB, 下载2次)


[其他] ASP订单系统2020

ASP订单系统2020 WEB、WAP自适应版源码(22种样式,支付宝收款码、商户双收款接口 微信支付接口版,附送详细说明)
ASP order system 2020 WEB, WAP adaptive version source code (22 styles, Alipay payment code, merchant double receipt interface WeChat payment interface version, with detailed instructions) (2020-03-02, ASP, 6785KB, 下载25次)


[其他] xlsznsygj_v0.1.6

Jinweixin retail intelligent cash collection tool is a code scanning cash collection tool specially designed for small and medium-sized supermarkets and community convenience stores. Businesses can use a common computer that can access the Internet to realize the main functions of supermarket cash registers. (2020-02-28, ASP, 171KB, 下载1次)


[其他] qsylwym_v4.62

The refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of pictures, words, videos and audio types. It carries a large amount of data, a large amount of visits and high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded by plug-in. (2019-06-20, ASP, 1663KB, 下载2次)


[其他] trqqjsw_v4.66

The source code of Penknife Entertainment Network is ASP + Access / MSSQL architecture website system, computer version, mobile version, tablet version seamless switching, a background synchronous management, static generation of the whole station is conducive to search and inclusion, Dreamweaver opens visual modification. (2019-06-20, ASP, 3174KB, 下载0次)


[其他] mlm_wap_1.0

双轨制直销软件手机版V1.0由网地软件自主开发,版权归网地软件所有。 免费版代码全开源,无加密,仅限学习使用。 如需作商用,请购买正式版本,谢谢合作。 后台路径:/admin 后台用户名和密码均为:admin 1、程序由ASP+access数据库开发,代码简洁,方便二次开发。 2、会员端为手机版全HTML5,基于div+css,管理员后台是电脑端管理。 3、会员模式是经典双轨制图,即一个会员第一层最多只可以放两个会员,但一个会员可以推荐无数个会员。 4、支持会员留言、会员给管理员留言、管理员给会员留言功能。 5、后台可发布、编辑会员公告。 6、后台可以修改会员资料,或冻结会员功能,冻结的会员不能再登录系统。 7、增加专卖店功能,用管理员帐户给专卖店充值对应电子币之后,专卖店可以自行开通新会员,不需要经过管理员审核。如果不需要此功能,不给专卖店充值就可以了。 8、会员前台可以对自己的奖金余额进行提现申请或者转账给其他会员。 9、会员可查看每一笔余额操作的记录,和奖金记录。 10、会员给公司汇款之后,可在前台进行汇款登记。
Dual-track direct selling software mobile version V1.0 is independently developed by Networked Software, and the copyright belongs to Networked Software. Free version of the code is fully open source, no encryption, only learning to use. For commercial use, please purchase the official version. Thank you for your cooperation. Background Path: / Admin Background username and password are admin (2019-03-06, ASP, 1331KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 源码

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。 程序前台有首页、列表页、内容页、会员登录、会员注册、会员个人中心、会员积分体系、会员投稿、投稿编辑、会员签到、在线留言、文章评论、整站搜索等功能。 后台具备,批量数据采集、服务器信息、修改管理员个人资料、安全退出、一键安装模板、一键安装插件、更新缓存、站点设置、上传logo、上传背景图、管理员管理、程序一键升级、动态模式,静态模式,伪静态模式数据库管理、广告管理、友情链接管理、后台操作日志、栏目管理、新增文章、文章列表、评论管理、留言管理、添加会员、会员管理等功能。 后台登录地址:http://你的网址/admin 登录账号:admin 登录密码:admin
The source code of Penknife Entertainment Network is ASP + Access / MSSQL architecture website system, computer version, mobile version, tablet version seamless switching, a background synchronous management, static generation of the whole station is conducive to search and inclusion, Dreamweaver opens visual modification. Background login address: http:// your URL /admin Login account: admin Login password: admin (2018-11-10, ASP, 2968KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 1

安装及使用教程 1、后台上传ZBA文件或者下载laozuo_seovip上传THEME文件后台激活; 2、laozuo_seovip/INCLUDE文件夹中的about.htm(侧边个人简介)、recommend.htm(首页顶部推荐)页面需要手工编辑;
Installation and use of tutorials 1, upload ZBA files in the background or download laozuo_seovip to upload THEME files to activate background. 2. The about. HTM and recommend. HTM pages in the laozuo_seovip/INCLUDE folder need to be edited manually. (2018-08-07, ASP, 251KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

Red golden gazelle CRM customer management system business tracking version 1.6, from business to business tracking to the end of the business contract filing business process is simple, clear thinking. Business customers can share with others, such as the functional system, including the OA office function, schedule planning, document storage, document, news release and other functions. (2018-07-24, ASP, 772KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1 (11)

搜索天下超级搜索引擎 9.3 升级了以下内容: (1).完美解决高度不准的问题。 (2).优化程序代码,让程序运行速度加快20%。 (3).解决搜索不到双引号的问题
Search the world's super search engine 9.3 upgraded the following: (1). Solve the problem of high accuracy. (2) optimize the program code to speed up the program running by 20%. (3). Solve the problem of not searching the double quotes (2018-07-22, ASP, 908KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

物活动评选系统采用asp+access制作,每IP每天只能投一次票,首页活动介绍,评选标准,合作媒体均可从后台添加。刚刚添加了票数排名列表list.asp。 人物活动评选系统 1.0 功能和特点: 1、完全免费,没有功能限制。 2、简单、方便、实用。 3、用户可以自行设置投票时间间隔,其中数字1代表24小时,那12小时就是0.5,以此类推。
The activity evaluation system is made by asp+access. Every IP can only vote once a day. The activities of the home page are introduced and the selection criteria are selected. The cooperative media can be added from the background. List.asp has just been added to the list of number rankings. The 1 functions and features of the personage activity evaluation system: 1, completely free, no functional restrictions. 2, simple, convenient and practical. 3, users can set their own voting time intervals, of which 1 represents 24 hours, and 12 hours are 0.5, and so on. (2018-07-19, ASP, 431KB, 下载1次)


[其他] trqqjsw_v4.19

小刀娱乐网源码是asp+access/mssql架构网站系统,电脑版,手机版,平板版无缝切换,一个后台同步管理,整站生成静态利于搜索收录,dreamweaver打开可视化修改。 专为制作“小刀娱乐网、QQ教程、易语言教程网、LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站而打造。
Small knife entertainment network source code is asp+access/mssql architecture website system, computer version, mobile version, flat plate seamless switching, a backstage synchronization management, the whole station generated static search included, Dreamweaver open visual modification. For the production of "knife entertainment network, QQ tutorials, easy language tutorials network, LOL tutorials, QQ business, code sharing, tutorial release" and other pictures and text types of Web site to build. (2018-05-31, ASP, 2532KB, 下载0次)


[其他] jxjxtcj

Apply for the scholarship and review. You can set up different categories of scholarships, add scores, courses, majors, classes and other information, Excel import grades, etc. (2018-05-23, ASP, 455KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 影楼婚纱摄影建站系统 v1.0

《影楼婚纱摄影建站系统》是一套为影楼婚纱摄影网站量身设计打造的商业网站建设系统,本系统以品牌介绍、作品展示、取景景点介绍、服务价格体系、加盟合作、人才招聘、联系我们、交流论坛八大主要功能模块 ,以及诸多实用的辅助模块组成。
"Photo building wedding photography station system" is a set of commercial website building system for the design of the photo website of the wedding photography website. This system is composed of eight major functional modules, including brand introduction, work display, scenic spots introduction, service price system, joining cooperation, recruiting, contacting and exchanging forum. A practical auxiliary module. (2018-05-03, ASP, 6816KB, 下载2次)


[其他] dfeiewasp

鼎峰企业智能建站系统ASP版 V0.3.6 本程序由鼎峰网络开发 官方演示站点:www.dfcms.cn 技术支持论坛:www.dfcms.cn/bbs 鼎峰企业智能建站系统拥有ASP/PHP版本都是开源的
1.如何安装本系统? *本系统由ASP+Access开发,因此您只要将本系统上传在支持ASP的虚拟主机(或服务器中)即可,不建议在本机测试; *安装和使用过程中遇到问题,请到论坛提出 2.管理地址 manage/login.asp 默认管理员帐号和密码都是 admin 3.您正在使用的这个版本程序是完全免费、开源的,鼎峰提供程序二次开发、模板定制、技术咨询等商业服务。 4.程序可选编辑器eWebeditor(需要4.*版本),请到其官方下载,并拷贝到manage/include/ewebeditor/ ,网址:www.ewebeditor.net/download.asp 6.欢迎到鼎峰论坛一起讨论 www.dfcms.cn/bbs (2010-02-20, ASP, 3055KB, 下载11次)


[其他] asp

1.支付宝接口中需要修改参数的文件有 alipay_config.asp 文件,index.asp 买家付款成功后反馈的页面时 return_url(页面跳转),notify_url(后台通知) alipayto 不用修改. alipay_config.asp 文件中 seller_email,key,partner 对应的分别是支付宝帐号,安全校验码和合作id ,怎么获取建 alipay_config.asp 注释说明. index.asp 页面,需要传递参数到这个页面,需要传递的参数是 subject(商品名称),body(商品说明),out_trade_no(外部商家订单号.为了方便测试,我在index.asp这个页面采用的是以日期的形式的数字字符串,这个订单号必须保证提交给支付宝的时候是唯一的,否则支付不了)
1. Alipay interfaces need to modify the parameters of the documents alipay_config.asp documents, index.asp buyer payment after the success of the feedback page return_url (jump page), notify_url (background notification) alipayto need not be amended. Alipay_config. asp file, seller_email, key, partner corresponding respectively Alipay account, security and cooperation checksum id, how to obtain building alipay_config.asp explanatory notes. index.asp page, need to pass parameters to this page, need to pass the parameter is the subject (product name), body (Trade Descriptions), out_trade_no (external merchant order number. In order to facilitate testing, I used this page is index.asp to date in the form of the number of strings, the order number must be guaranteed, when submitted to the payment of Po is the only, or not paid) 2. return_url and the difference between notify_url their operations. Buyer payment is successful, if the interface is specified in a return_url, buye (2010-01-13, ASP, 269KB, 下载22次)


[其他] fenlei

Pull completely free open-source, a new advertising system, a detailed classification of the conditions set, the complexity of the expansion of extended features such as hot spots. Yellow Pages template more than the best model of efficiency and high-speed processing of digital maps HSORT integrated with third-party provider of digital maps, the system integrated intelligent digital maps all over the country (2009-08-22, ASP, 2124KB, 下载37次)


[其他] fans

Procedures put into your information that you then that the channel on the site that Channel Backgrounds account: admin password Backgrounds: admin1234 Backgrounds Management Address:/weblogin/login.asp explain here a matter of fact we should focus on the background behind the admin password is 1234 are official for security at the system automatically help you to increase after the 1234 change your password when are 12345 such as change the background that you password is 123451234 (2009-03-04, ASP, 5829KB, 下载5次)


[其他] js-0114

0114- Sohu Entertainment broadcast station Home flash ad rotation (2008-12-18, ASP, 161KB, 下载3次)


[其他] koyees

这次自已做的美工,可能很难看,但主要是为提高效率,这次全部生成了静态,只有一个链接查看最新文章的列表没有生成,因为我觉得没必要生成,浪费空间大小,那是一个很少用到的功能!这次去掉了很多功能,这个版本主要是面向那些需要做文章站,或者教程站,当然你也可以做娱乐站,呵,把公司的那部分出掉了,体现出来的是更多的文章部分,这个系统是属于我的一个整站系统中的一个子系统,整站系统中包括下载部分,会员部分,供求,留言,论坛,当然,论坛会用别人的,我自已去写也写不了别人那么好!说了这么久的费话了,来说说他的功能吧! 续继是整站生成静态,让一些经常变动的东西通过JS调用后可以直接显示最新的,不需要再经常去后台更新 比上一个版本中多的功能基本上全在前台
the artists themselves do, it may be difficult to see, but primarily to improve efficiency, all of this generation of static, only a link to view the latest article listing is not generated, because I do not think I need to generation, the size of a waste of space, it is a little-used functions! This removed the many functions, this version is mainly for those who need to make a fuss about points, or tutorial stations, of course, you can do entertainment station, uh, the company that part of a swap out, is a reflection of the greater part of the article, the system is the one I belong to the whole station system of a subsystem, the whole station Download System including some members, supply and demand, voice mail, forums, of course, the Forum will use someone else, I have to write their o (2006-04-03, ASP, 1534KB, 下载3次)
