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[.net编程] Restore

使用react tsx、redux和.net7构建电子商务商店,与我的主人Cummings先生合作,
Ecommercial store build with react tsx, redux and .net7, working with my master MR Cummings, (2023-07-17, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[.net编程] K2-MOSS集成介绍

K2 作为 Microsoft 全球 ISV 合作伙伴,与 Microsoft 全系列产品都有很好的整合性,包括 MOSS 在内。
As a global ISV partner of Microsoft, K2 integrates well with the entire range of Microsoft products, including MOSS. (2018-10-11, C#, 1502KB, 下载0次)


[.net编程] .net工程造价信息网源码

.net工程造价信息网源码 功能介绍: 系统采用了EasyUI,使用HTML控件,没有使用服务器控件,系统为三层架构采用AJAX技术进行数据交互, 使用ashx一般处理程序,前端布局全部为我自己手写CSS+DIV,只测试了较高版本游览器和谷歌游览器的 兼容性,推荐使用谷歌游览器 实现了工程造价信息网站的信息展示,新闻,通知公告,政策法规,招标信息,造价企业信息,价格信息, 业务功能平台,服务大厅,招标行业导航及合作机构等信息;角色有:管理员,招标方,投标方,造价咨询企业。 后台管理:信息发布管理,信息管理,用户管理,招投标管理,工程管理,系统管理等相关操作,目前仅实现 信息发布及用户管理中的部分功能; 说明:这是一个Html静态网站,有兴趣二次开发做伪静态网站是个很好的实例模板; 开发环境:Visual Studio 2010,SQL2008;
.net project cost information network source code Functional introduction: The system uses EasyUI, HTML control, no server control. The system uses AJAX technology to exchange data for three-tier architecture. Using the ashx general processing program, the front-end layout is all handwritten CSS + DIV for me, testing only the higher version of the viewer and Google viewer Compatibility, recommending the use of Google excursions Development environment: Visual Studio 2010, SQL2008; (2018-08-07, C#, 5315KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] 5

The asp.net broadband network payment information management system (based on the three tier mode development) is established, and the broadband network information management system is established to manage the broadband network. (2018-04-13, C#, 3810KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 3

Gogo talent network system NET version is developed by ASP.NET (4) +SQLSERVER/ACCESS dual database engine, intelligent advertising management. A compatible data engine. Dynamic field definition. Secure information filtering. (2018-04-13, C#, 20454KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] kelijinchazhi

运用ArcEngine 10.2 功能库,实现点数据进行克里金差值并保存差值结果的功能
Use ArcEngine 10.2 function library that implements the data point kriging difference and save the difference between the results of the function (2017-03-03, C#, 2655KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] Press-Release-System

Internet to flourish, so news of communication has undergone tremendous changes, the traditional information dissemination media television, tube wave, the newspaper is no longer the main spirit of gossip dessert, people began to pay more attention to network news. As the Internet to accommodate the volume of information, content-rich, information timely, accurate and relevant information is more comprehensive introduction and comparison, greatly facilitate the people s reading, so in just a few years, the Internet will be among the many media room, and has a considerable part of the media crowd. Take the wind, the news network has developed rapidly, it is rich in content, covering commercial, industrial, agricultural, banking, finance, education, entertainment and information in various industries, large amount of information, not only current events, as well as relevant industry information while news network with the Internet have all properties. In the global network, information t (2013-10-22, C#, 3028KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] Ext.net-1.0

Ext.Net介绍:   是一组开源的Asp.net(WebForm,MVC)组件。基于Ext.Js库开发,含有100多个工具,如TextBox,Combox,Button,ToolBar,StateBar,Panel,TabPanel,ExplorerBar,MenuBar,PictureBox 等多种控件并支持Ajax无刷新效果。   下载地址: ***** 该内容需会员回复才可浏览 ***** 示例地址:[url=http://examples.ext.net/] ***** 该内容需会员回复才可浏览 ***** 环境:VS2005+、服务器.NET Framework3.5+、网站系统.net 2.0+   Ext.Net特点:   1.多种控件。能快速的创建高视觉的用户界面   2.300多个示例,能让你快速上手   3.丰富的Ext.js API提供支持   4开源闭源双协议   Ext.Net安装和使用:   1.下载最新版本   2.打开下载文件,将包含以下文件:   view sourceprint?1Ext.Net.dll   2Ext.Net.Utilities.dll   3Ext.Net.xml   4Newtonsoft.Json.dll   5Newtonsoft.Json.xml
Ext.Net: is a set of open-source the ASP.NET (WEBform, MVC) components. Developed based Ext.Js library containing over 100 tools, such as a TextBox, Combox, Button, ToolBar, StateBar Panel, the TabPanel, the ExplorerBar, MenuBar, PictureBox and other control and support Ajax refresh. Download:***** The need Member Reply you can browse***** example address: [url = http://examples.ext.net/]***** need members reply before the browser***** environment: VS2005+, server NET Framework3.5+, web systems. net 2.0+ Ext.Net features: 1. variety of controls. Can quickly create high visual user interface over 2.300 example, allows you to quickly get started. Rich ext.js API supports the installation and use of open source closed-source dual protocol Ext.Net download the latest version: 1. Open download file contains the following files: view sourceprint? 1Ext.Net.dll 2Ext.Net.Utilities.dll 3Ext.Net.xml 4Newtonsoft.Json.dll 5Newtonsoft.Json.xml (2013-05-14, C#, 2KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] NET-4.0-OOP-Talk-Basic(code)

北理 金旭亮 .net 4.0 面向对象编程漫谈 基础篇 代码
BIT Jin Xuliang net 4.0 Object-oriented Programming Talk Basics code (2013-03-31, C#, 28421KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] zxgs

常满装修公司网站源码 源码描述: 网站前台展示内容有 公司简介,图片展示,优秀设计师,合作厂商,推荐施工队,家装常识,留言板 后台管理功能有 新闻管理面板:新闻管理 添加新闻 添加新闻类别 分店管理面板:所有分店 添加分店 设计师管理面板:所有设计师 添加设计师 订单管理面板:查看所有信息 设计案例管理面板:所有设计案例 添加设计案例 案例风格管理 案例户型管理 施工队管理面板:查看施工队信息 添加施工队信息 合作伙伴管理面板:合作伙伴信息 添加合作伙伴信息
Often full renovation company website source source Description: the foreground show content Company Profile, Photo Gallery, excellent designers, partners, recommended the construction team, home improvement knowledge, message boards backstage management function news management panel: news management add news add news category stores management panel: all branches to add branches designer management panel: add all designers designers Order Management Panel: Case Management panel to view all the information design: all design cases add Design Management Case Case Case style apartment management construction team management panel: View construction team to add the construction team partner management panel: Partner add partners (2012-12-27, C#, 8332KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] etShop

E桶金源码交易系统(12ym源码交易系统的升级版本),由E桶金设计、开发。 它致力于为源码、网站、虚拟货币等网络产品提供高效、安全的交易平台。 整个系统采用asp.net2.0 + access开发 特点: 为源码交易量身定做的系统,非常适合虚拟商品的在线交易的一个平台 seo优化,生成静态页面,页面减肥 程序设计架构清晰,易于扩展和升级 (2012-07-15, C#, 998KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] wcf_2

wcf 简单的双通道通信列子 包含客户端 服务器端
wcf simple sample (2010-01-28, C#, 89KB, 下载80次)


[.net编程] ASPnetcode

100 cases of exciting programming ASP.NET for beginners, which compared Jindian example, are now commonly used in Web site technology examples (2007-10-09, C#, 135KB, 下载20次)


[.net编程] 视频点播系统

an entertainment website, the four functions is bulletin board, blog, video, forget the last one. This is an on-demand system. (2006-02-11, C#, 574KB, 下载104次)
