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[特征抽取] AzureFunctions.Extensions

OIDC JWT承载令牌身份验证使Azure函数更容易。与著名的ASPNET授权属性合作...
OIDC / JWT Bearer Tokens authentication made easy for Azure Functions. Work with the well known ASPNET Authorize attribute. Compatible with popular identity providers including Auth0, Azure AD B2C, Azure AD, Google etc.. (2022-10-22, C#, 82KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] Asmodeus-stealer

The malware is un-killable and fully undetectable by antivirus, developed by Kingsman. It steals the browser passwords, Discord Tokens & Telegram data and sends it to drop-box using dropbox-Api (2021-07-11, C#, 19KB, 下载0次)
