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[电子书籍] 3645555

《三十六计》是一部奇书,是一部“谋略”大全。然而,这本书以文言写成,今天的读者一般很难理解,也就很难把这些计谋用在实际生活中。《商战三十六计》正是在介绍了《三十六计》原文的基础上,教你如何把它们运用于复杂多变的商战之中? ⑶蚁蚰闾峁┝艘桓龈鼍罹椎纳坛≌嚼? 商场就是战场,买卖就是用兵。 战场上硝烟弥漫,鲜血迸溅;商场上尔虞我诈,明争暗斗。 你想踏入商海,做个时代的弄潮儿吗?你想生意兴隆、财源广进吗? 那么,你就要将自己培养成敏感、聪慧、成熟的善用计谋的“孙子”和“诸葛亮”式的人物。 当今社会商品如潮,发财机会普遍存在,有实力的能够日进斗金,没资金的亦能白手起家。同样的环境,就看你怎样施展自己的本领。 《商战三十六计》不但能使你在商场上深谋远虑,进退自如,见风使舵,抓住一个个商机,还能使你掌握现代经营管理技能,成为21世纪的富豪。
"Thirty-Six Strategies" is a Masterpieces is a "strategist" Encyclopaedia. However, this book written in classical Chinese, today's readers generally difficult to understand, it is hard to see these tactics used in real life. "Thirty-Six Strategies to combat" is the introduction of the "Thirty-Six Strategies" on the basis of the original. teach you how to apply them in the complex and changeable business war among traps 3 ants can claim Lu Huan from the ranks of retired sub gingival ALLIGATOR satisfied that the incidence of vertebral be held altar The question to chew the Public the market is a battlefield, the sale is the enemy. On the battlefield smoke filled the air, and blood Peng Jian; Cheat on the market, struggled. You want to operators in (2006-06-14, CHM, 249KB, 下载19次)


[电子书籍] shijianjianshix

Brief History of Time, a good understanding of the universe Dongdong, everyone will enjoy it. However, Hawking to learn about life in the spirit of self-improvement, Mr. ah. (2006-04-30, CHM, 84KB, 下载16次)
