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[游戏] dazixiaoyouxi

This is a typing game source code, for everyone to learn or play or practice typing letters (2016-03-26, FlashMX, 4KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] haidaodandantang

山寨版弹弹堂源码(海盗弹弹堂) 娱乐专用 方法是做网站的一看便知 上传 进入游戏即可 按上下键控制方向 按空格键发射 和百度弹弹堂方法一样
Bouncing Church cottage source (Pirates Bouncing Church) Entertainment special The method is to do the site at a glance Upload You can enter the game Press the up and down keys to control direction Press the spacebar to launch And Baidu Bouncing Church the same way as (2014-07-07, FlashMX, 3288KB, 下载4次)


[游戏] PaddleBall

flash as3开发的小游戏,模拟打金转游戏,可选关,初学者学习用。
Flash as3 development of small game, the simulated gold game, optional, for beginners learning to use. (2014-04-23, FlashMX, 30KB, 下载5次)
