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[其他书籍] MPC_test2

Model predictive control, trajectory tracking, automatic driving control, double line shifting conditions, horizontal and vertical control (2021-01-05, matlab, 18KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] 智能控制

《智能控制》是由刘金琨编写,电子工业出版社出版的一本书籍。 本书全面地叙述智能控制的基本理论、方法和应用。全书共10章,主要内容为:专家控制的基本原理和应用;模糊控制的基本原理和应用;神经网络控制的基本原理和应用;遗传算法及其应用等。 本书系统性强,突出理论联系实际,叙述深入浅出,书中给出了一些智能算法的Matlab仿真程序,并配有一定数量的习题和上机操作题。 本书可作为高等院校自动化、计算机应用、电子工程等专业研究生和高年级本科生的教材,也可供从事自动化领域工俄工程技术人员阅读和参考。
textbook for intelligent control (2020-07-16, matlab, 42253KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] 现代数值分析(MATLAB版)-马昌凤

本教材各章节的主要算法都给出了 MATLAB 通用程序。为了更好地配合本书的教学,书后编写了一个附录,简明扼要地介绍了数学软件 MATLAB 的入门知识和必要的程序设计和绘图等基本技能技巧。个人感觉很实用,推荐给大家!
The main algorithms in each chapter of this textbook give MATLAB general procedures. In order to better match the teaching of this book, an appendix is written after the book, which briefly introduces the introductory knowledge of the mathematical software MATLAB and the necessary basic skills such as programming and drawing. Personally feel very practical, recommended to everyone! (2020-04-15, matlab, 1793KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] RBF Neural Network Control_刘金琨

A classic neural network control books, advanced and practical algorithms, it is worth learning (2017-08-08, matlab, 5334KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] Modernnumericalanalysis

Modern numerical analysis (MATLAB version) is Ma Changfeng written defense industry press published a department for mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computer science, computer science and technology and statistics professional undergraduate numerical analysis course teaching materials or reference books. (2017-04-11, matlab, 10440KB, 下载23次)


[其他书籍] Cooperative-spectrum-sensing

Double Threshold Energy Detection of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio (2011-05-12, matlab, 646KB, 下载299次)


[其他书籍] energydetection

认知无线电是一种用于提高无线电通信频谱利用率的新的智能技术. 首先简述认知无线电的背景和概念,针 对认知无线电的频谱感知功能,详细地分析基于能量检测的频谱检测方法,在此基础上研究了噪声方差的不确定 性对检测性能的影响. 针对无线信号检测具有本地局域性和能量检测存在信噪比极限的特点,提出一种分布式有 限合作检测机制,推导出基于“OR”规则的有限合作机制的检测概率,并进行Monte Carlo仿真.
Cognitive radio is a radio communications spectrum used to improve the efficiency of the new smart technology. First, the background and outlined the concept of cognitive radio, spectrum sensing for cognitive radio capabilities, a detailed analysis of the spectrum based on energy detection test In this study the noise variance based on the uncertainty of the detection performance. for wireless signal detection with local detection of localized and there is signal to noise ratio limit of the energy characteristics of a distributed cooperative detection mechanism, derived out based on " OR" rules of the detection probability of the limited cooperation mechanism and conduct Monte Carlo simulation. (2010-05-08, matlab, 732KB, 下载280次)


[其他书籍] Inverters

本文主要内容是关于单相PWM逆变器的输出电压波形控制技术。好的输出波形 包含两个方面的要求:稳态精度高和动态响应快。本文围绕这两点,分析了重复控制 技术和双环控制技术,并进行了一系列仿真和实验。
The output waveform correction technology of single-phase PWM inverter is studied in this dissertation.High quality waveform has two characteristics.It has not only nice static characteristic but also well dynamic response.Aiming at these characteristics, repetitive control technology and dual-loop control technology is analyzed.Both these control scheme are verified by simulation and experiment. (2010-03-09, matlab, 742KB, 下载411次)


[其他书籍] CHAPTER4

刘金坤《先进 PID 控制及其 MATLAB 仿真》书上第四章源程序。供大家参考。
Liu Jinkun " Advanced PID Control and MATLAB Simulation" Chapter IV source book. For your reference. (2010-01-27, matlab, 10KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Fiber-Laser

提出了一种新型双波长掺铒光纤环形腔激光器。使用可调滤波器改变两束激光的波长差,采用由窄带滤波器MachZehnder梳状滤波器组成的多重滤波的方式来选择工作频率或者工作模式,有效地抑制相邻纵模之间 的跳模现象。利用偏振烧孔效应和激光反向传播的特点大大增强了增益介质的非均匀加宽特性。实验结果表明,得到的单频单纵模双波长激光器的波长间隔可调谐范0.019~15nm;两束激光的拍频信号的频率差调节至472.5 MHz时,在100 Hz~3GHz范围内只有一个拍频信号。
Tunable Dual-Frequency Er-Doped fiber ring laser (2009-11-05, matlab, 921KB, 下载127次)


[其他书籍] matlab1

1.李显洪" Matlab7.x compiler interface design skills and" 2. Su Jin-Ming " Matlab Graphics" (2009-07-30, matlab, 35220KB, 下载45次)


[其他书籍] memberchoiceofcooperateinnovation

Enter the corporate alternative R (2008-10-14, matlab, 17KB, 下载7次)
