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[数据库系统] 20067258578011

名片管理 pb9.0,很多技巧非常实用,希望管理员多加点分。 /*-------------采用过的pb技巧---------------*/ 1、自动注册ODBC及自动卸载ODBC 2、从数据库中检索出数据,动态的生成弹出式树结构菜单 3、利用双列的数据库表生成树结构函数 .....
Card management pb9.0, a lot of skill is very useful and hoped that more dotted the administrator. /*------------- Using techniques---------------*/ one-off pb, automatic registration of ODBC and automatic unloading ODBC 2, from the database in the retrieved data, dynamic tree structure generated pop-up menu 3, using two-column database table structure function spanning tree ..... (2010-02-24, PowerBuilder, 5292KB, 下载7次)
