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[其他书籍] signal-and-system

信号与系统 陈后金 PPT 本科研究生都能用上
signal and system chen houjin PPT for student and soon (2015-10-09, PPT, 10086KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] sstmlccc

Atmal 嵌入式 金典资料 对学嵌入式的朋友有很大的帮柱
Golden Atmal embedded data embedded on the school friends to help a great column (2010-11-11, PPT, 1179KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] s1d13700

Atmal 嵌入式 金典资料 对学嵌入式的朋友有很大的帮柱
Golden Atmal embedded data embedded on the school friends to help a great column (2010-11-11, PPT, 143KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] cx

产学研合作的有效模式研究 一、产学研合作的必要性和面临的问题 二、产学研合作的典型模式 三、高校研究开发成果转化率很难提高的原因 四、有效的产学研合作技术创新模式
Research co-operation model of an effective one, the need for research cooperation and the problems faced by the Second, research cooperation, the three typical models, institutions of higher learning research and development results into very difficult to improve the rate of four reasons, an effective model of research cooperation in technological innovation (2007-10-23, PPT, 16KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] nm-13

主要介绍的常微分方程的数值解法, 如欧拉,龙格解法等等。
introduced Ordinary Differential numerical method, such as Euler, Runge solution, and so on. (2007-02-02, PPT, 45KB, 下载104次)
