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[其他] 18104026-姚凤军

the file is a PPT about microgrid , only suitable for rookies.
the file is a PPT about microgrid , only suitable for rookies. (2019-03-13, PPT, 5096KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 双MA

EA不能盈利的 求高手从写个 双均线EA,纯联系使用 但是写的不能盈利。求哥高手给看看
EA can not profit the best player from writing a double average EA, pure link use, but write can not be profitable. Ask the elder brother to give a look (2018-06-28, PPT, 9KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 2

History: 21-year-old female patient Department, 3 renal dysfunction was found more than a year, double lower extremity edema 3 months, chest tightness, vomiting three days. Now find a little dizziness, (2008-04-16, PPT, 446KB, 下载1次)


[其他] hs

灰色系统进展,主要包括灰色系统发展概况 灰色系统理论持续发展的直接原因 灰色系统理论持续发展的深层次原因 南航灰色系统研究中心简介 中国(双法)灰色系统专业委员会今后工作设想
The progress of gray system, including the development of gray system theory of gray system direct cause of the sustained development of gray system theory sustainable development of deep-seated causes of Southern Gray System Research Center of China (dual method) Professional Committee of the gray system envisaged for future work (2007-10-23, PPT, 102KB, 下载12次)


[其他] 07

Southwest Jiaotong University State Key Laboratory of Traction Power Professor Jin Xuesong reports on aspects of wheel-rail! (2007-08-09, PPT, 7825KB, 下载67次)
