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[WEB开发] 1000y

欢迎你来到正安千年开始你的武侠之旅! 中央添加了奖品兑换员随机兑换装备和武器! 正安千年神武奇章版本 网站 http://Gzza.com 新增加血魔女 黄泉将军 钩魂使者 死神 和尚 扶桑忍武 扶桑武士 新增加祭天魔女 祭天死神 祭天使者 祭天忍者 祭天武士 祭天将军 祭天僧侣 新增血魔套装。新增梦游岛、人间仙境、血魔塔、聚贤庄、神秘岛、绿林峡谷、祭天城
Welcome to Zhengan millennium your martial arts journey! Central adds random prizes cashiers exchange equipment and weapons! N An odd thousand brilliant chapter http://Gzza.com new version of the website increases blood witch lives generals hook soul messenger of death monk Fuso Fuso Samurai Ninja martial additional Witch Heaven Heaven messenger of death Heaven Heaven Heaven ninja warrior monks Heaven Heaven General Gorefiend new suit. New Island sleepwalking fairyland, Gorefiend tower, Juxian village, Myst, Greenwood Canyon, Heaven City (2016-02-29, Visual C++, 4588KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] bandc

Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans, marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus (2016-01-24, Visual C++, 597KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Smarty-v3.1.28

Smarty is a template engine written in PHP, is currently the industry s most famous PHP template engine. It separates the logic code and the external content, and provides an easy way to manage and use the method, which will be used to separate the PHP code the HTML code. Simple to say, the purpose is to make the PHP programmer with the front staff separation, so that the programmer to change the logic of the program will not affect the front page design, front staff to re modify the page will not affect the program logic, which is particularly important in the project of multi person cooperation. (2015-12-14, Visual C++, 367KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jinzhupaoxi

This is a type of worm virus infection, it can infect the system exe, com, PIF, SRC, HTML, ASP and other documents, it can also stop a lot of anti virus software process and will delete a file with the GHO extension, the file is a backup tool GHOST backup files, backup file system to use households lost. Like all.Exe executable files are converted into a lovely new users in the infected system. (2014-08-17, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] bidlist

himself in a double-linked list of ASP, used in VB. When the online search for a long time no one has found the VB' s List, wrote a very common. (2013-09-03, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qygame

Chiba games network entertainment platform, a template, no background. Fully functional. (2011-11-28, Visual C++, 6523KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] www.codejia.com

系统功能说明:       01、投注种类多,玩法包括:正码(总合单双大小)、正码特、正码1-6、连码、过关、生肖、色波、多肖、半波、一肖尾数、五不中、生肖连、尾数连、基本种类齐全。       02、本系统管理模式分为:管理员-股东-总代理-代理商-会员,5层金字塔管理模式。       03、独有的全自动补仓、投注统计、预计盈利、设置吃码百分比、走飞出货统计,方便抛单,大大降低庄家的风险度。       04、两种结算方式会员,现金结算与信用额度结算。       05、完善的在线支付系统流程功能,即时充值到账。可为网络经营的用户收款打开方便之门。       06、自动设置正码、6合开盘与封盘时间,系统自动执行。       07、绝对准确的报表数据结算,保证误差不超过1。       08、在线用户监控功能,准确的知道某在线用户当前的操作和所停留的页面,可踢出用户。       09、使用简单的注单查询功能,可修改任何投注种类的注单。       10、系统绝无漏洞,完全经由本公司独立开发设计,使用绝对安全。       11、自行更改网站名称、修改规则协议、修改生肖属性。
系统功能说明:       01、投注种类多,玩法包括:正码(总合单双大小)、正码特、正码1-6、连码、过关、生肖、色波、多肖、半波、一肖尾数、五不中、生肖连、尾数连、基本种类齐全。       02、本系统管理模式分为:管理员-股东-总代理-代理商-会员,5层金字塔管理模式。       03、独有的全自动补仓、投注统计、预计盈利、设置吃码百分比、走飞出货统计,方便抛单,大大降低庄家的风险度。       04、两种结算方式会员,现金结算与信用额度结算。       05、完善的在线支付系统流程功能,即时充值到账。可为网络经营的用户收款打开方便之门。       06、自动设置正码、6合开盘与封盘时间,系统自动执行。       07、绝对准确的报表数据结算,保证误差不超过1。       08、在线用户监控功能,准确的知道某在线用户当前的操作和所停留的页面,可踢出用户。       09、使用简单的注单查询功能,可修改任何投注种类的注单。       10、系统绝无漏洞,完全经由本公司独立开发设计,使用绝对安全。       11、自行更改网站名称、修改规则协议、修改生肖属性。 (2010-10-26, Visual C++, 842KB, 下载37次)


[WEB开发] 54VotingSystem

54 voting system, gold for the majority of Senseio learning, imperfect, and invites further pointed out that the (2010-01-01, Visual C++, 2077KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Hacker_Disassemble_Uncovered

Kris Kaspersky对他的书做过一个总结,以下是关于这本书《黑客反汇编揭秘》的: Солон是一家不大的出版社,里面氛围很是温馨,团队关系密切、融洽,只是能力尚有不够。我可不会满足于此。我打开了美国市场, 与出版社A-LIST进行了合作。在“讲述基本原理”的指导思想下以紧凑的篇幅编写并翻译了这本后来成为best-seller的书《HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED》,这是我到目前为止卖得最好的书。我还客串了一把翻译技术顾问,但是我还没试过自己用英语进行写作。
Kris Kaspersky his book made a summing up, the following about this book are a " hacker disassembly Secret" in: Солон is a small publishing house, which was a warm atmosphere, the team close and harmonious, but the capacity still not enough. I can not meet this. I opened the American market, with the publishing house A-LIST cooperation. At " about the basic principles of" the guiding ideology of the space under the compact prepared and translated it later became the best-seller book of the " HACKER DISASSEMBLING UNCOVERED" , This is my best-selling book so far. I also had a guest Translate technical adviser, but I have not tried to carry out their own writing in English. (2009-03-23, Visual C++, 4832KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] xc

中国NJ娱乐DJ网站宣传系统 v0.1 后台地址:admin.asp 后台管理帐号密码:admin
DJ Entertainment NJ Chinese propaganda system v0.1 background site address: admin.asp Admin Account Password: admin (2008-09-01, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] media1

With the development of Internet, multimedia information in the online transmission of more and more important, streaming download technology with its side by side to play the characteristics of education, entertainment and other industries enjoy, this paper describes the streaming media system and the main stream technology put forward the main stream technology solutions. (2007-11-26, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] Code_Optimization_Effective_Memory_Usage

《代码优化,有效使用内存》 Kris Kaspersky编写 谭明金翻译 不算“高清”,哎免费的就讲究下吧~~书的内容还是不错的 (2007-08-08, Visual C++, 33108KB, 下载224次)


[WEB开发] wyd_server1[1].4

够牛网命运613服务端正式版V1.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [修复加入王国需要64个宝石的BUG] [修复蓝宝石可以刷物品的BUG] [龙,成长液100%] [修复了进化装备分母为0的错误] [支持进化装备,只能进化最后一套套装与神装] [武器全部可以进化] [经验限制100万] [掉宝限制8000] [组队限制150级内] [骨头场不刷怪问题已解决] [盟战问题解决] [角色保护系统问题 80级.] [注:本服务端最多50人在线] [为了老商业版用户暂不提供支持技能保存与GM命令希望大家理解下.适当时候发布!] [启动方法:BI-DB-TM][关闭方法:DB-BI(TM会自动关)] [本服务端为613版本][进化装备,等级400级,其他4个技能书,神装考虑不加入到本版本中] [神装自行添加!谢谢合作]
enough fate of 613 cattle network server official version V1.4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Kingdom of the need to repair 64 stones BU G] [repair items Sapphire can brush the BUG] [Dragon growth was 100%] [repairing equipment denominator of the evolutionary 0 errors] [Evolution support equipment, Evolution can only last a package loaded with God all the weapons] [] [evolution can be the experience of one million swap] [8-limits 000] [150 team up restrictions] [bone market and brush strange problem has been solved] [UNITA warfare solve the problem] [Bao role Guarding system 80.] [Note : The server-side up to 50 people online] [version to the old commercial users not to provide support to preserve order and GM hope we understanding. Pub (2007-02-14, Visual C++, 1845KB, 下载139次)
