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[手机短信编程] CDMAmsg

Based on the development of gold warehouse CDMA SMS cat cat SMS application, use AT protocol sending text messages (2016-04-22, Visual C++, 518KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] NoteManage

SMS group sending module, SMS king, gold warehouse standard commercial version of the DG-C1A driver should be installed before running this program, installing the drivers also need to be loaded in the program dllforvc.dll, dllforvc.lib, dllforvc.h files. Run this program, open the program login screen. Enter the user name mr password mrsoft, click the " Login" button to enter the main program interface. (2012-05-21, Visual C++, 1021KB, 下载6次)


[手机短信编程] NoteManage

VC企业短信群发系统源代码,主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,并且可以查看SIM卡中收到的短信。本系统具有以下功能:   电话簿管理。   常用语管理。   短信息发送。   短信息接收。   短信猫设置。   操作注意事项   系统默认操作员用户名为:tsoft,密码为:111。   操作流程:   使用本系统,请按照以下流程操作:   (1)单击“短信猫设置”按钮,在“短信猫设置”窗口中单击“获缺按钮,获取短信猫信息,在“授权号码”中输入短信猫的授权号码,然后单击“保存”按钮。   短信猫设置:   (1)首先在“电话簿管理”及“常用语管理”中添加联系人及常用术语。   (2)单击“短信息发送”按钮,打开“短信发送”窗口,单击“电话簿”按钮,选择发送人,然后单击“插入常用语”按钮选择信息内容,或者在“信息内容”中直接输入要发送的内容,单击“发送信息”按钮即可。   运行本系统应安装金仓短信王标准商务版DG-C1A驱动程序,安装完驱动还需要在程序中加载dllforvc.dll、dllforvc.lib、dllforvc.h文件。   测试时候请将数据库文件拷贝到EXE文件的目录中
VC enterprises Short Message System source code, the main advantage of the hardware to send SMS text messages cat, and you can view SIM card messages received. This system has the following features: Phone book management. Common language management. Short messages. SMS receiving. SMS to set the cat. Handling Precautions Operator default user name: tsoft, password: 111. Operation process: Use the system, follow the process steps: (1) Click "SMS cat Settings" button in the "cat SMS Settings" window, click "button was missing, get the cat SMS messages, in the" Authorization Number "enter the text cat license number, then click the" Save "button. SMS cats settings: (1) First, the "phone book management" and "common language management" add a contact and common terminology. (2) Click "Send SMS" button, open the "send message" window, click the "Phone Book" button, select the sender, and then click "Insert common language" button to select the content, or "informat (2011-12-02, Visual C++, 466KB, 下载15次)


[手机短信编程] cmpp3.0

1.遵照CMPP3.0协议实现,模拟了短信网关和DSMP,支持CONNECT,SUBMIT,DELIVER,QUERY,CANCEL,TERMINATE消息。 2.支持多个客户端登录,支持单连接和双连接类型,支持标准CMPP和亚信API. 3.服务端自动生成Msgid和LinkId,支持状态报告. 4.支持对客户端进行鉴权,用户可以自行配置有效的客户端ICPID,SPID,PWD,和有效的IP地址。 5.以二进制形式显示消息流内容,并且能够把消息包的每个字段都打印出来,当然这会影响一些效率。 6.模拟网关不对submit各字段的合法性进行判断(如msgsrc必须是企业代码icpid,srcid必须是接入号spid,否则submitresp会返回错误码10和11.),只要字段的长度合法,以及消息长度字段合法都认为是合法的. 7.所有返回的状态报告都是正确的状态报告,状态报告的stat字段字段都填"DELIVRD".
1. In accordance with CMPP3.0 protocol, to simulate the SMS gateway and DSMP, support CONNECT, SUBMIT, DELIVER, QUERY, CANCEL, TERMINATE message. 2. To support multiple clients log on, to support single-link and dual link type, supports standard CMPP and AsiaInfo API. 3. Msgid server automatically generates and LinkId, support the status report. 4. Support for client authentication, the user can configure their own valid client ICPID, SPID, PWD, and valid IP address. 5. Binary message flow contents are displayed, and can package the message are printed out for each field, of course, will affect a number of efficiency. 6. Analog gateway does not submit to judge the legitimacy of each field (eg must be a corporate code msgsrc icpid, srcid must access number spid, or submitresp will return an error code 10 and 11.), As long as the length of the legal field , and message length fields are considered legal and legitimate. 7. All the return status reports are accurate status repo (2010-08-04, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载26次)


[手机短信编程] groupsends

运行本程序前应安装金仓短信王标准商务版DG-C1A驱动程序,安装完驱动还需要在程序中加载dllforvc.dll、dllforvc.lib、dllforvc.h文件。 运行本程序,打开程序登录界面,如图1.1所示。输入用户名mr、密码mrsoft,单击“登录”按钮,进入程序主界面
Run this program should be installed before the payment warehouse standard commercial version of SMS Wang DG-C1A driver, drivers also need to install the program to load dllforvc.dll, dllforvc.lib, dllforvc.h file. Run the program, open the program login screen, as shown in Figure 1.1. Enter the user name mr, password mrsoft, click the " Login" button to enter the program main interface (2010-07-17, Visual C++, 1822KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] GSM

VC SMS金笛development of a dynamic link library routines, documentation, tutorials (2009-06-23, Visual C++, 10135KB, 下载10次)


[手机短信编程] 2006011537_hw1

C++ Prepared to accept an analog message to the delete message, and realize double-linked list as well as a coloring process, using the array to achieve (2008-03-23, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载21次)


[手机短信编程] send_message

sent messages of small procedures, we can about entertainment. If so, I should be back to the argument. I improved or improved. We also hope that with the exchange of learning (2006-12-16, Visual C++, 69KB, 下载37次)
